Playing sport as you get older

Football occasionally, but that's coming to an end due to an occasional dodgy hip, possibly arthritis. I ran around Derwentwater yesterday - 16km on my 63rd birthday. Another 10km today back home in Cheshire. It's hard work, but enjoyable

My lad took his dart board with us on holiday last week. He plays every day. My other son plays occasionally. I won every game, much to their annoyance. Also beat the two of them at pitch and putt.
You're like Competetive Dad on the Fast Show.

Fast Show - Comptetitive Dad -2-Squash ...
I do a 12 mile circuit on my mountain bike every other day and I play badminton once a week.

I'm 42 now and it's enough to keep me ticking over regarding weight and feeling good.

There are two lads I play badminton with. One is a little overweight so the games are less intense but one is ex army who's fitness mad and ran a marathon not long ago. Games against him leave me absolutely shattered and sore for days after. I've got to the point of not particularly looking forward to playing him as I have to give everything to keep it competitive and the tiredness and pain after just isn't worth it. I.dont remember feeling like that a few years ago and I put it down to age.

It'd be wise to know and accept your limits as you get older. Being ultra competitive, especially against younger blokes will likely cause you damage.

But becoming a coach potato isn't the answer either. Regular, moderate and enjoyable exercise would be my recommendation.

I look terrible without my top on though so maybe I'm not the best for advice on this subject....
Im 50 with young kids and i do bugger all sports. Though they keep me busy and i run my lads u9 footy team so the involvement is still there

I played football to a good standard til early 40s , played til i was 44 which was 2 years too many.
Tried cycling but it bored me.
Dont/cant/not enough time for golf

I wish i could get involved in something but the will seems to have disappeared
Hitting my early 40s I’ve decided to take on playing a few sports again to keep my body ticking over after stopping while kids were toddlers.

But Christ alive I’ve no idea how some people have the energy, dedication and body to do it.

I’m playing football and tennis and seemingly every week I pick up some new injury and my body is really feeling it.

Do people still try and keep fit and active or just accept old age while slowly turning into a fat unhealthy mess who spends too much time watching tv and the internet - which seems very tempting right now?
Where you ever really fit? If you were, you have a better chance in this insanity.
Bottom line, you have jumped into a over ambitious call. You would have been running about as you did with ease 15 years ago. Big mistake. You need to build up gradually. Fast walking. Up flights of stairs. Then a jog, not too long. Time your first one. Aim to take 3 seconds off every subsequent run, if you feel fucked stop. Eventually your muscles and tendons will strengthen again, the then play fives you daft ****. ;)

Forgot this. Kinda important. You don’t ease into it and build up gradually, those aforementioned injuries are going to increase. You’re going to put yourself at risk of fucking yourself up needlessly. I know all this to be true, because I did the same, stupid fucking thing. Thought I was still 25. Still had the dazzling skills and poetic technique, but not for periods over 3.6minutes. Boy did I find out, how thinking you can just do the same stuff physically, after years of, the square root of fuck all, actual exercise, before trying to play fives, was not the best idea I ever came up with. When I recovered, I followed my own advice, above, and it was as if beauty was returned to the world of middle aged fives.
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Personally, I would say if you're going to do any sport when you get older, you should combine it with yoga. For me, when I go for a run, my right hip is the first thing to start hurting. Did a bit of yoga and realised why. It's the least flexible part of my body by a mile, other than my slightly metal ankle.
It’s really hard mentally when you have played a sport (or two in my case) all your life and suddenly have to give up. I had to have partial knee replacements (both knees) about 5/6 years ago after 2 or three years of agony. I’m 52 now and the knees are superb. I could still play 5 a side/veterans football and could easily play at least 2nd XI cricket fitness wise, but my bloody eyes have gone now!!! I play golf but I’ll never be as good as I was at football or cricket and find it a bit frustrating and boring. I would kill to be able to play in a team again but don’t know what at my age. I hate swimming and biking. Has anyone played walking football? Not quite sure how that can be competitive haha. Any suggestions?
61 this year, still playing 5 a side & 8 a side 2 or 3 times a week.
Planned to give it up at 40,50, & 60 just coming back from a dislocated shoulder & torn labrum injury that won’t go away!
Roll on 70
It’s really hard mentally when you have played a sport (or two in my case) all your life and suddenly have to give up. I had to have partial knee replacements (both knees) about 5/6 years ago after 2 or three years of agony. I’m 52 now and the knees are superb. I could still play 5 a side/veterans football and could easily play at least 2nd XI cricket fitness wise, but my bloody eyes have gone now!!! I play golf but I’ll never be as good as I was at football or cricket and find it a bit frustrating and boring. I would kill to be able to play in a team again but don’t know what at my age. I hate swimming and biking. Has anyone played walking football? Not quite sure how that can be competitive haha. Any suggestions?
Do you reckon that your previous Sporting exploits have fucked up your long term mobility etc? I’ve a half baked theory that you can wear your bits out and that over using them early catches up with you etc ( on top of the usual aging I’m meaning here)

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