police will all be in riot gear

St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
citykev28 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
And your point is?.................."I bet a copper wouldnt do that..." blah blah blah.I bet a copper wouldnt do loads of things....so what

here he goes again....

Don't think so mate. ! Keep on hating because one day you will maybe need them!

keep on hating who? where did i even mention the police?
mike winterwasp said:
He, or someone in his family, is a copper. I've never had any trouble with the police in my life but I have seen one or two coppers hit fans with no provocation whatsoever.

If the police want to minimise trouble why do they persist in letting both sets of fans out at the same time? Last night's piss poot attempt at segregation was a disaster waiting to happen until a copper used his initiative and opened the big set of gates.

And I have seen one or 2 football fans including city fans hit coppers for no reason...oh and a cop lose their sight in one way...it works both ways..As I said,yes bad eggs in all walks of life but to blame the cops for half the shit that goes on is just an idiotic point of view.

It's the cops fault...I commited a burglary but got caught as I left my dna at the scene...hahahahah pmsl.
marios stress ball said:
SWP's back said:
marios stress ball said:
One of my friends goes to fcum games sometimes. He went to a big game (by their standards anyway) which they won. After the final whistle a few hundred ran onto the pitch to celebrate which happens a lot in the lower leagues and at small, basic grounds. Nobody there had any problems with it as the fans were not being aggressive. Though the police were, and one them decided go up to my mate (probably because he was small and an easy target) and give him a black eye!! The policeman didn't even try to arrest him as he knew he didn't do anything wrong. He just ran up to a 15 year old, bombed him and ran off.

I bet the copper would never even consider doing that to anyone outside a football ground.
I do love a one sided 3rd hand story me.

Would you like me to make some extra bits up so it looks more realistic to you?
My mate asked the copper for a fight.

Do you like that now? Does that please you because it is slightly more believable in your brain? Shall I change the truth in other stories too to make them more believable for you?
You don't know the truth as you were not there and you are going off the word of some 15 year old scrote. It's not like someone ever changed a story (especially at such a tender age) to make themselves not look a **** is it.

I'm fine with my interpretation thanks.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Challenger1978 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
I will remind you of this you stupid prick when your house gets burgled,or your gran gets mugged. Who will be calling the cops then.

Grow up idiot!

Blah blah blah you've no fucking idea how bad the dibble can be have you. I've literally seen a mounted copper tell an elderly women outside the Eithad stadium that if she touches his horse he'll bloody kill her or something to that effect. All the elderly women did was say "Awww look at the horse he's lovely can I stroke him".

Of fuck off-It's so easy to blame the police.I was at the Derby in April and it was the fucking moronic blues who started it. I suppose it justified the copper losing his sight in one eye. There are bad eggs in all walks of life and all jobs,just cos they are cops they get loads of shit.

Let's blame the cops for all the worlds problems eh...WTF.

Look fella I've seen coppers take back handers. I've seen coppers tax drug dealers and not arrests them. I've seen coppers throw someone in the back of the van drive up to woodhead pass kick the shit out of them and leave them there. I've seen coppers harass someone so badly for reporting them for being cunts. That they've had to sell multiple cars (kept getting pulled) and then there fucking house and move out of greater Manchester to get away from them.


That video sums up a typical copper for you in my experience they're a bunch of vile bastards.
citykev28 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
citykev28 said:
here he goes again....

Don't think so mate. ! Keep on hating because one day you will maybe need them!

keep on hating who? where did i even mention the police?

No you mentioned here I go again...So I presumed you meant my opinion on the boys in blue?
If not then why don't you explain

-- Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:25 pm --

Challenger1978 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Challenger1978 said:
Blah blah blah you've no fucking idea how bad the dibble can be have you. I've literally seen a mounted copper tell an elderly women outside the Eithad stadium that if she touches his horse he'll bloody kill her or something to that effect. All the elderly women did was say "Awww look at the horse he's lovely can I stroke him".

Of fuck off-It's so easy to blame the police.I was at the Derby in April and it was the fucking moronic blues who started it. I suppose it justified the copper losing his sight in one eye. There are bad eggs in all walks of life and all jobs,just cos they are cops they get loads of shit.

Let's blame the cops for all the worlds problems eh...WTF.

Look fella I've seen coppers take back handers. I've seen coppers tax drug dealers and not arrests them. I've seen coppers throw someone in the back of the van drive up to woodhead pass kick the shit out of them and leave them there. I've seen coppers harass someone so badly for reporting them for being cunts. That they've had to sell multiple cars (kept getting pulled) and then there fucking house and move out of greater Manchester to get away from them.


That video sums up a typical copper for you in my experience they're a bunch of vile bastards.

Argh yes the copper who got done for assault and rightly so..Have I said he was right for doing that? No...Cops get prosecuted all the time so please don't give me that bollocks...Oh and by the way the lad on the deck happened to bite the copper before he got his head pushed into the concrete.As I said...2 sides to every story.

There you go...just for you...City fans being the aggressors....

St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
dogblue said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
I will remind you of this you stupid prick when your house gets burgled,or your gran gets mugged. Who will be calling the cops then.

Grow up idiot!
stupid prick eh ..... you silly man .... everyone as their own veiws on the police ok ...what do they do when your house gets burgled anyway .... write shit down on paper then put it on a file ... clueless filth loving fool

Oh dear - how grown up - the filth. I aint even going there as I got a ban last time.

You obviously have been in trouble with the law and don't like the fact you got caught..Or maybe not you,one of your friends or family members? pmsl...Your the fool.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
citykev28 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Don't think so mate. ! Keep on hating because one day you will maybe need them!

keep on hating who? where did i even mention the police?

No you mentioned here I go again...So I presumed you meant my opinion on the boys in blue?
If not then why don't you explain

i was referring to your rage-ometer going from 0-100 in 3 seconds anytime anybody questions the services be it emergency or armed.

everyone's entitled to an opinion but you immediately start insulting people whenever you disagree with a view on them.
Challenger1978 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Challenger1978 said:
Blah blah blah you've no fucking idea how bad the dibble can be have you. I've literally seen a mounted copper tell an elderly women outside the Eithad stadium that if she touches his horse he'll bloody kill her or something to that effect. All the elderly women did was say "Awww look at the horse he's lovely can I stroke him".

Of fuck off-It's so easy to blame the police.I was at the Derby in April and it was the fucking moronic blues who started it. I suppose it justified the copper losing his sight in one eye. There are bad eggs in all walks of life and all jobs,just cos they are cops they get loads of shit.

Let's blame the cops for all the worlds problems eh...WTF.

Look fella I've seen coppers take back handers. I've seen coppers tax drug dealers and not arrests them. I've seen coppers throw someone in the back of the van drive up to woodhead pass kick the shit out of them and leave them there. I've seen coppers harass someone so badly for reporting them for being cunts. That they've had to sell multiple cars (kept getting pulled) and then there fucking house and move out of greater Manchester to get away from them.


That video sums up a typical copper for you in my experience they're a bunch of vile bastards.

Not a typical copper in my experience.

So is your point moot?
citykev28 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
citykev28 said:
keep on hating who? where did i even mention the police?

No you mentioned here I go again...So I presumed you meant my opinion on the boys in blue?
If not then why don't you explain

i was referring to your rage-ometer going from 0-100 in 3 seconds anytime anybody questions the services be it emergency or armed.

everyone's entitled to an opinion but you immediately start insulting people whenever you disagree with a view on them.

Sorry..where have I insulted anyone..I think you will fing dogblue insulted me!!

It's ok ..I don't expect an apology..

-- Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:30 pm --

SWP's back said:
Challenger1978 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Of fuck off-It's so easy to blame the police.I was at the Derby in April and it was the fucking moronic blues who started it. I suppose it justified the copper losing his sight in one eye. There are bad eggs in all walks of life and all jobs,just cos they are cops they get loads of shit.

Let's blame the cops for all the worlds problems eh...WTF.

Look fella I've seen coppers take back handers. I've seen coppers tax drug dealers and not arrests them. I've seen coppers throw someone in the back of the van drive up to woodhead pass kick the shit out of them and leave them there. I've seen coppers harass someone so badly for reporting them for being cunts. That they've had to sell multiple cars (kept getting pulled) and then there fucking house and move out of greater Manchester to get away from them.


That video sums up a typical copper for you in my experience they're a bunch of vile bastards.

Not a typical copper in my experience.

So is your point moot?

So right..In fact a special!<br /><br />-- Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:31 pm --<br /><br />
dogblue said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
dogblue said:
stupid prick eh ..... you silly man .... everyone as their own veiws on the police ok ...what do they do when your house gets burgled anyway .... write shit down on paper then put it on a file ... clueless filth loving fool

Oh dear - how grown up - the filth. I aint even going there as I got a ban last time.

You obviously have been in trouble with the law and don't like the fact you got caught..Or maybe not you,one of your friends or family members? pmsl...Your the fool.

Try again...
There are plenty of coppers who are OK & do a fine job, but the people who think the police can do no wrong are dangerously naive. There are some of them who are complete arsholes, who quite happily cause trouble & break the law themselves.

Some people seem to think you only can get in trouble if you deserve it, if only the world worked this way.

To suggest all police are bad is stupid, but to suggest no police are bad is equally stupid.

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