Policing in the UK

I had to phone the cops this evening to report possible child abduction of my neighbours kid. The operator was quite obstructive because I couldn't remember the family's last name. I had to end the call and phone the dad and tell him to ring 999.
Half an hour later me and a neighbour flagged down a cop car and the cop couldn't have been less urgent if he'd been asleep. We had the kid but the twat that took him had legged it about 5mins earlier. I lost it a bit with the cop who was doing precisely fuck all.
Such a lot of tree hugging wet farts in this thread, being ex mil we were trained that NOBODY touches or takes your weapon from you - you can use any force necessary to keep it. That policeman was doing his job and should be absolutely supported by both the public and government. Let's face it - if it comes out via cctv or bodycam that they reached for a police officers gun getting your head stamped NEXT to is the smallest you should really expect. In my previous life I'd have shot you dead had you reached for my rifle.
Such a lot of tree hugging wet farts in this thread, being ex mil we were trained that NOBODY touches or takes your weapon from you - you can use any force necessary to keep it. That policeman was doing his job and should be absolutely supported by both the public and government. Let's face it - if it comes out via cctv or bodycam that they reached for a police officers gun getting your head stamped NEXT to is the smallest you should really expect. In my previous life I'd have shot you dead had you reached for my rifle.
And you’d be in jail if the person you shot was in the same position.
What lay on the floor? The minute you reached for the weapon I'd have either smacked you with it or shot you - it wouldn't have got to rolling around on the floor.
A prolonged and drawn out event with possible multiple attackers/threats when you've had 2/3 colleagues injured needs to be nullified and as quickly and as aggressively as possible to shock and stun the assailant(s) I see it worked this time.
What lay on the floor? The minute you reached for the weapon I'd have either smacked you with it or shot you - it wouldn't have got to rolling around on the floor.
The bloke was already down, surely you know that you can’t shoot somebody who is no longer causing a threat?
What lay on the floor? The minute you reached for the weapon I'd have either smacked you with it or shot you - it wouldn't have got to rolling around on the floor.
Ah, the old "I thought that he was going for a gun" defence. Not so easy now with video evidence and your own bodycam.
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The bloke was already down, surely you know that you can’t shoot somebody who is no longer causing a threat?
Like I said - it wouldn't have come to that, it'd have ended earlier. The police officer did really well to control the situation that had gotten out of hand. Shooting someone lay prone and not fighting is an execution, stamping next to someone's head isn't that big a deal and worked....

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