Policing in the UK

Till the truth outs I'm not vilifying the copper for his actions - should it all be bullshit about the 3 coppers assaulted and gun being reached for then justice will be done as it should in a law abiding western country. Should any of the above be true I'd expect the policeman to be back on the beat doing his job, IF the armed response just decided to kick and subdue someone for nothing then he'll be done for it amd rightly so although I highly doubt nothing caused it. The issue here is you get 1 version - the version recorded and released at the END of the altercation, not a great deal of the start.
None of that matters. Dont you understand that? The copper was (In his view) using appropriate force. Below is a report about how our police abuse their powers in performing strip searches of women, those police also took the law into their own hands.

Its so simple, it is about protecting the public from bad actors, police who decide to do things their own way, police who lose their shit and take it out on the public. That could be you, it could be a female relative who just reports a domestic abuse as in the case below. So dont talk to bullshit about you dont do crime, it affects everyone.

Why is that so hard to understand for some people.
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I do. The man had been tasered and was prone on the floor rigid. No threat to anyone

But you could maybe think after apparently being knocked out himself and decked a couple of times and having seen his female officers punched and attacked, ( I’m pretty sure if I was in that situation seeing someone go beyond the limits of 99% of the population and start physically attacking armed police, I would 100% believe I was dealing with an unhinged lunatic ) that coming round dazed and having lost his glasses and he has run in in this state, yes the lad was down but there was no cop on him restraining him, would he have definitely known or seen the other cop was using her taser ?
The lad is in a possibly once in a lifetime situation

I bet it’s not a nice feeling being overpowered in a fight with a loaded gun jiggling at your side
But you could maybe think after apparently being knocked out himself and decked a couple of times and having seen his female officers punched and attacked, ( I’m pretty sure if I was in that situation seeing someone go beyond the limits of 99% of the population and start physically attacking armed police, I would 100% believe I was dealing with an unhinged lunatic ) that coming round dazed and having lost his glasses and he has run in in this state, yes the lad was down but there was no cop on him restraining him, would he have definitely known or seen the other cop was using her taser ?
The lad is in a possibly once in a lifetime situation

I bet it’s not a nice feeling being overpowered in a fight with a loaded gun jiggling at your side
He seemed pretty much aware of what he was doing as he went on to dish out some more to the other guy who was holding his hands above his head.

These are supposed to be the elite of the force, selected on merit and highly trained. Sadly, this guy stepped over the line and will now face the law himself
Going round in circles this like the other thread.

None of us know what really happened earlier. The cop looks fucked though.

I'm no fan of GMP and they seem to be out of control.
This is boring now, I see your points - cops = power hungry nasty aggressive criminals and the people they controlled were innocent bystanders passing through customs. I wish I'd seen it from your point of view at the start. Yawn.
Going round in circles this like the other thread.

None of us know what really happened earlier. The cop looks fucked though.

I'm no fan of GMP and they seem to be out of control.

Is it possible the cop is ex military and lost his head and used military training rather than police training?

There was no need to kick the guy with his hand up and would have been simpler for them to grab and cuff him.

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