Policing in the UK

This is boring now, I see your points - cops = power hungry nasty aggressive criminals and the people they controlled were innocent bystanders passing through customs. I wish I'd seen it from your point of view at the start. Yawn.
yeah some are boss.

The lads fighting may be cunts too though. No one is coming out well in this it seems.
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None of that matters. Dont you understand that? The copper was (In his view) using appropriate force. Below is a report about how our police abuse their powers in performing strip searches of women, those police also took the law into their own hands.

Its so simple, it is about protecting the public from bad actors, police who decide to do things their own way, police who lose their shit and take it out on the public. That could be you, it could be a female relative who just reports a domestic abuse as in the case below. So dont talk to bullshit about you dont do crime, it affects everyone.

Why is that so hard to understand for some people.

I think to some they just understand that no matter how much training someone has at the end of the day human element will always be there
99% of the time all an armed cop will do it practice, they will not be for the large part experienced in situations of fearing for their lives

If you want elite you’d have to have ex SAS soldiers only as armed cops
I think the training armed police are given is shit and Is less than a year
Be honest do you think the training is good enough if the redhead was capable of passing the course ?
Do you think she’d be of any use if the shit hit the fan ? It did and she wasn’t
If originally it would’ve been 3 male armed cops approaching those 2 lads and it had kicked off those lads would’ve been down and locked up in 30 seconds, no tasers no kicks to the face no protests
If we knowingly don’t give ourselves our best possible chance of remaining safe don’t cry when shit goes south
Apart from the ambulance chaser and the sad compo faces.

That ambulance chaser has got to be one of the biggest hate filled bullshitters I’ve seen in a long time
I used to think it took brains to become a solicitor but he’s absolutely thick as pig shit, youd have to be to think anyone with a brain would believe a word out of your mouth

The footage of him saying the older brother told him he’s scared to go into work as he fears he will be killed, give me a break
Even if we all agree the cop was wrong what shred of evidence is there it was a racist attack ? So why is this vile little shit out there screaming racism and stirring up hate ? Seriously why

We’ve now got protest screaming about racist police all over the country and the country is becoming a tinder box

Why is he making it about race when we all know it wasn’t
I think to some they just understand that no matter how much training someone has at the end of the day human element will always be there
99% of the time all an armed cop will do it practice, they will not be for the large part experienced in situations of fearing for their lives

If you want elite you’d have to have ex SAS soldiers only as armed cops
I think the training armed police are given is shit and Is less than a year
Be honest do you think the training is good enough if the redhead was capable of passing the course ?
Do you think she’d be of any use if the shit hit the fan ? It did and she wasn’t
If originally it would’ve been 3 male armed cops approaching those 2 lads and it had kicked off those lads would’ve been down and locked up in 30 seconds, no tasers no kicks to the face no protests
If we knowingly don’t give ourselves our best possible chance of remaining safe don’t cry when shit goes south
I dont doubt any of that. But when the police commit crimes themselves it needs calling out and stopping. There's just no excuses when it comes to protecting the public from them. None.

Allowing that incident to go unpunished is allowing the police to behave how they want. Its unfortunate for the copper, but no excuses. And thats because there are always excuses, they're easy to find.
That ambulance chaser has got to be one of the biggest hate filled bullshitters I’ve seen in a long time
I used to think it took brains to become a solicitor but he’s absolutely thick as pig shit, youd have to be to think anyone with a brain would believe a word out of your mouth

The footage of him saying the older brother told him he’s scared to go into work as he fears he will be killed, give me a break
Even if we all agree the cop was wrong what shred of evidence is there it was a racist attack ? So why is this vile little shit out there screaming racism and stirring up hate ? Seriously why

We’ve now got protest screaming about racist police all over the country and the country is becoming a tinder box

Why is he making it about race when we all know it wasn’t

We have no idea what it was about yet, either side commenting about it are just as bad as the other. The problem nowadays is too many people feel compelled to form an opinion before knowing enough to be able to.
That ambulance chaser has got to be one of the biggest hate filled bullshitters I’ve seen in a long time
I used to think it took brains to become a solicitor but he’s absolutely thick as pig shit, youd have to be to think anyone with a brain would believe a word out of your mouth

The footage of him saying the older brother told him he’s scared to go into work as he fears he will be killed, give me a break
Even if we all agree the cop was wrong what shred of evidence is there it was a racist attack ? So why is this vile little shit out there screaming racism and stirring up hate ? Seriously why

We’ve now got protest screaming about racist police all over the country and the country is becoming a tinder box

Why is he making it about race when we all know it wasn’t
The phrase he used about the condition of the guy "deteriorating overnight" was amateurishly attempting to overblow and overstate the assault. I cant stand these twats, they exploit.
I dont doubt any of that. But when the police commit crimes themselves it needs calling out and stopping. There's just no excuses when it comes to protecting the public from them. None.

Allowing that incident to go unpunished is allowing the police to behave how they want. Its unfortunate for the copper, but no excuses. And thats because there are always excuses, they're easy to find.
A second factor is that it was at an airport where the Police are taught to not mess around. Those plod are taught to be aggressive and shoot people because unfortunately airports are obvious targets for mass killings, unfortunately but factually committed by an extremely small minority of Muslims.

The Police will be punished but the evidence of what caused the escalaton has to be given fair air time too which the turkey teeth lawyer has deflected. The fact George Galloway waded in to comment sort of sums it up.

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