Policing in the UK

We have no idea what it was about yet, either side commenting about it are just as bad as the other. The problem nowadays is too many people feel compelled to form an opinion before knowing enough to be able to.

Nobody will ever 100% know the reason for the male cops actions you are correct

It’s easy to see how there could be 2 trains of thought
That the cop and his colleagues had been violently assaulted, overpowered and he either panicked or overreacted
His burning racism couldn’t be held in any longer and he just had to take this opportunity to sacrifice his career and kick a Pakistani man in the face

Suppose we’ll never know
A second factor is that it was at an airport where the Police are taught to not mess around. Those plod are taught to be aggressive and shoot people because unfortunately airports are obvious targets for mass killings.

The Police will be punished but the evidence of what caused the escalaton has to be given fair air time too which the turkey teeth lawyer has deflected. The fact George Galloway waded in to comment sort of sums it up.
The guy was prone, on the floor, the incident had no risk whatsoever at that point of guns being taken, it escalating to a terrorist incident when the copper decided to put his boot into the guys face and stamp on his head. There are protocols they should follow for that, but just no excuse for that action, it was wrong (and yet understandable), but he cannot get away with it and preferably they are trained to deal with exactly that situation.

The end result must be that the police learn, not that they can get away with that. Its important to me because we currently have a police force that has bad actors in it as highllghted by multiple reports on them.
Nobody will ever 100% know the reason for the male cops actions you are correct

It’s easy to see how there could be 2 trains of thought
That the cop and his colleagues had been violently assaulted, overpowered and he either panicked or overreacted
His burning racism couldn’t be held in any longer and he just had to take this opportunity to sacrifice his career and kick a Pakistani man in the face

Suppose we’ll never know

Yes there are purely two binary options to it, that’s exactly how life works nowadays isn’t it…
In many countries the police would have drawn their weapons, suspect instructed to comply continued aggression would be met with worse than a kick.
The should’ve just tasered them, simple done and dusted I think they should remarkable restrain at the start considering they’d already assaulted the coppers.
The guy was prone, on the floor, the incident had no risk whatsoever at that point of guns being taken, it escalating to a terrorist incident when the copper decided to put his boot into the guys face and stamp on his head. There are protocols they should follow for that, but just no excuse for that action, it was wrong (and yet understandable), but he cannot get away with it and preferably they are trained to deal with exactly that situation.

The end result must be that the police learn, not that they can get away with that. Its important to me because we currently have a police force that has bad actors in it as highllghted by multiple reports on them.
I agree but we don't know the context and we don't know why it escalated so much. I just don't believe the lawyer that these folks arrived into the UK and the police just turned up and started to beat them up.

The fact that's been said already makes me very suspicious, especially coming from a lawyer who is very political and is using this for political collateral.

It's easy to say that the police should have done X but when you're dealing with a difficult situation that has escalated to assault on one of your colleagues then the use of any force to halt the situation becomes justifiable. It's no different to how football hooligans and fights are dealt with, the police turn up in riot gear and start hitting people. In other countries they do far worse.
That ambulance chaser has got to be one of the biggest hate filled bullshitters I’ve seen in a long time
I used to think it took brains to become a solicitor but he’s absolutely thick as pig shit, youd have to be to think anyone with a brain would believe a word out of your mouth

The footage of him saying the older brother told him he’s scared to go into work as he fears he will be killed, give me a break
Even if we all agree the cop was wrong what shred of evidence is there it was a racist attack ? So why is this vile little shit out there screaming racism and stirring up hate ? Seriously why

We’ve now got protest screaming about racist police all over the country and the country is becoming a tinder box

Why is he making it about race when we all know it wasn’t

Yeah, unusual for such to play the race card at every opportunity isn't it?
I never said anything about the police officer being a 'top guy' he's probably a tool, I stated what I would have done - I was military (RM) and served in 3 combat zones - had someone attempted to touch any of my weapons systems or anything else related you were taught to deal very quickly with the assailant.
And therein lies the problem.

Our police service has been subjected to a creeping militarisation over the last few years. Gone are the days when coppers were normal lads and lasses doing a difficult job out of a sense of service.
Now some of them are cowards who hide behind the badge and use it as a means of assaulting people that they wouldn’t fucking dare go near if they didn’t have the perceived protection of a badge.

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