Just as I thought, from the UK's derider in chief, we now have to accept
petulant kickbacks like the shellfish debacle, because we'd better get used
to the EU behaving like a spoilt brat, because, you know, we voted for it.
What you always seem to disregard is that this country does not have to put up with this sort of thing now, the EU has agreed, in a free trade deal, the fishing quotas, they now don't like it, pull these stunts, and these swift changes to the spirit of that must have repercussions. We now do not need to bow supinely to this kind of shit anymore, the waters they fish in are UK waters, if we suddenly, and we could, impose what the fuck we liked on those who fish there, this nonsense would end overnight. Talks are ongoing as we speak.
Then there is the ongoing nonsense about ports, lorry parks, queues and the like, I'm still waiting for pics showing the forthcoming mayhem starkly revealed with lorry queues predicted for sometime in the future. It's now becoming very easy to smile at these, and just wait until they all, inexorably and inevitably, turn to dust.