Porto memories

Just remembered another one - loved how the local dealers (I didn't partake) knew their target audience. From the 1st one offering the standard hash and coke...openly, to the 2nd one simply saying "Charlie?". Always important to learn another language !
Mate, we were there when your bag went missing on Friday and then match day, by the steps, when you turned into a meedya dahling.

Just before we were interviewed by that Champs League South America bloke who was wearing my mates City hat with "fuck UEFA" front and centre. LMAO.

Little did I know we were in the company of the one and only Didsbury Dave.
Was the South American bloke that big geezer? Seemed a bit of a character! We were drinking near that phone box most of Saturday afternoon
Just remembered another one - loved how the local dealers (I didn't partake) knew their target audience. From the 1st one offering the standard hash and coke...openly, to the 2nd one simply saying "Charlie?". Always important to learn another language !
One of em was a kid wearing a spuds top, the lads I was sat next to spotted him and said Hasish, the rest is history, I was completely oblivious to it all :-)
Was the South American bloke that big geezer? Seemed a bit of a character! We were drinking near that phone box most of Saturday afternoon
Yes mate. We were at the bottom of the steps pretty much all day. In fact, I'm looking at your phone box as we speak LOL.

Was there about 6 of your lot?
EasyJet flight out there was class. Full of likely lads, pilot threatened to divert the plane. Landed, and the whole plane erupted in unison "City City City City".

Good sing song in the airport too before boarding to leave Manchester. Shite result but a good trip and has got me hoping for full crowds and cheaper European aways again next season.
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I think I remember you. Did we have a quick chat at the bottom of the steps about my bag?

And then did I see you lot kicking off outside KFC when it wasn't letting you in about 11pm?
Yes, we had a chat at the steps.

The KFC was a dark moment. McDs closing early was a darker moment. Waiting 2 hours for an Uber Eat pizza was the final straw mate...
He got you seats 2 rows in front of the City big chiefs?...crikey....where was Jay sitting....next to the subs?
More or less. I was sat on the row behind Gundo's family. Think Kevin Parker must have sorted his family coz there were at least ten of then there. Had great views of the Chelsea bench celebrating mind.


From getting on the plane on Friday morning to getting off it Sunday night when returning home that was a hell of a trip. As gutted as I was about the result, not even City not turning up will ruin the memories.

I didn’t consume half as much alcohol as I have on previous European away trips - the 10.30pm curfew played a part in that plus I wanted to stay reasonably sober on Saturday as I didn’t want to end up doing something stupid like losing my ticket or getting it nicked. That didn’t stop me going arse over tit when pissed up Friday night though down by the river. I’m struggling to recall exactly what happened but it was probably about an hour or so after the City v City off @Didsbury Dave bag snatch incident. I ended up with some lovely grazes on my right elbow, a very sore right knee, and about 24 hours later the biggest purple bruise I’ve ever had appeared on my right side. What happened next I’m not sure but with the aid of Google Maps I tried to find my way back to the Vila Gale hotel. It should’ve been a 25-30 minute walk and it was inland but for some reason I ended up walking and walking along the river past the big bridge and all the way out of town. It was only when I was in the middle of nowhere that I started to sober up and realised I’d fucked up. There was a Burger van with a load of locals round it. Tried summoning an Uber but the payment kept failing and after a while I had to resort to asking someone at the snack bar to order me a taxi. No problem they said - it should be about 5 minutes. Well 5 minutes turned into something like 25 and still no sign of a taxi despite them repeatedly saying it was on its way. In the end I got pissed off and fucked it off as it felt like I was being had over so I fired up Google Maps again and headed back the way I’d came. This time I followed the right route but it was a hell of a trek and involved walking up the most daunting hill I’ve ever seen. How the fuck I made it up without rolling all the way back down again I’ll never know but when I finally got to the top it felt like I’d climbed Everest. From there it was a bit of a breeze and I ended up bowling into my hotel a bit after 1am.

Saturday was about as sober a European away match day as I’ve ever had. I had no hangover but the sore knee was doing my head in. Even so, still managed a fair few scoops and it was another good laugh down by the river and the post box. One City fan was repeatedly trolling Balague about him saying Messi was nailed on to come to us! After the match, I couldn’t be arsed watching Chelsea lift the cup so walked back into town. Luckily, my hotel was en route so I was back there just after 10.30. Normally I’d stay up - a lot of blues brought their take out beers to the lobby and stayed on the piss until the early hours - but my injuries were really kicking in then and I couldn’t summon up the energy. One bottle of Super Bock in my room and I flaked out. Spoke to my mates on the phone in their apartment and they fucked it off too.

On the plus side, that meant we were all refreshed Sunday morning and it was a great day on the other side of the river. Walked along the bridge and took the cable car down. Had a scran, a fair few pints, and did the 5 ports for 5 Euros.

All in all a top trip that could’ve gone pear shaped for me with my tumble and little venture out of town!
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Sounds bang on that. Wish I’d sampled one!

I’m going back with the other half when there’s no football on. Probably next year. Porto’s a beautiful city and quite inexpensive, and we have talked about doing a few days in Lisbon and a few in Porto in the past.
Francesinha. Not sure about spelling...

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