Possible new stadium - some interesting information

hgblue said:
corky1970 said:
does anyon e seriously belive that our owner will" tinker and fuck about with COMS?"

he has a history and pedigree and desire to produce some of the worlds most iconisc building.

do you really think we will just stick on a few extra seats whilst the rest of the surrounding area is being made to look like Buck rodgers in the 25th century?

we are gonna get a new stadium , its going to be huge and its going to be iconic and amazing and its going to make old trafford look like my back shed!!

most def agreed
What some people are forgetting is that our owner want's everything he owns to be the best no matter of the cost simple bigger and better than everyone else that is what he is like.
So when the area around COMS is being developed it's going to be the best in the world.
corky1970 said:
does anyone seriously believe that our owner will" tinker and fuck about with COMS?"

he has a history and pedigree and desire to produce some of the worlds most iconic building.

do you really think we will just stick on a few extra seats whilst the rest of the surrounding area is being made to look like Buck rodgers in the 25th century?

we are gonna get a new stadium , its going to be huge and its going to be iconic and amazing and its going to make old trafford look like my back shed!!

Never said he was going to just tinker with COMS.

Just showing at what point the roof can be dismantled(it was one of the questions which has been asked frequently) if the ultimate plan is to extend the North Stand and COMS.

Will our owner build a new stadium instead? There's nothing to suggest that's not a possibility.
I presume any plans are far from set in stone (even though a few massing models/CGI images are doing the rounds, certainly if, as suggested, some are being to used as bait for future players).
Be nice to think 'they' (ADUG, MCC, NEM) put out a worldwide design competition (as they occasionally do in the city proper).
I had a quick look at various schemes planned for Abu Dhabi (amongst other places in the world) and the work of Zaha Hadid would be very welcomed my me :)



Incidentally, Zaha Hadid did some work for the Manchester International Festival last year (the acoustically engineered concert hall).
Point being, City really shouldn't worry about reaching the hazy heights of a 100,000 seater stadium to turn heads around the world...conversely a 60,000 stadium designed by an 'unadventurous' firm of architects (and there's plenty doing their uninspiring work back in town) won't do any grand plans much justice. I won't name names, but a recent flurry of 'super stadiums' planned for the uk are essentially modern sheds attached to a monstrous 'Betterbuy'.
somapop said:
I presume any plans are far from set in stone (even though a few massing models/CGI images are doing the rounds, certainly if, as suggested, some are being to used as bait for future players).
Be nice to think 'they' (ADUG, MCC, NEM) put out a worldwide design competition (as they occasionally do in the city proper).
I had a quick look at various schemes planned for Abu Dhabi (amongst other places in the world) and the work of Zaha Hadid would be very welcomed my me :)



Incidentally, Zaha Hadid did some work for the Manchester International Festival last year (the acoustically engineered concert hall).
Point being, City really shouldn't worry about reaching the hazy heights of a 100,000 seater stadium to turn heads around the world...conversely a 60,000 stadium designed by an 'unadventurous' firm of architects (and there's plenty doing their uninspiring work back in town) won't do any grand plans much justice. I won't name names, but a recent flurry of 'super stadiums' planned for the uk are essentially modern sheds attached to a monstrous 'Betterbuy'.

For inspiration(not that they need any) our owners need to look no further than Portsmouth's proposed stadium that won't see the light of day now. Replace the Spinnaker with a hotel/tower, observation tower/platform.

They also designed the Allianz Arena and Beijing National Stadium.




More renders here. <a class="postlink" href="http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.inhabitat.com/wp-content/uploads/hmstadium1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.inhabitat.com/2008/06/30/herzog-and-de-meurons-portsmouth-stadium/&usg=__PDxCEvxULq_YE_vuV9OlSrNiYF8=&h=374&w=537&sz=67&hl=en&start=2&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=F1JCtfOxYBzHSM:&tbnh=92&tbnw=132&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dportsmouth%2Bstadium%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26tbs%3Disch:1" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgur ... s%3Disch:1</a>
I love almost everything Herzog & de Meuron do. The Birds Nest is beyond stunning. Those are the kind of heights I hope Mansour and Khaldoon are aiming for.
Project said:
I love almost everything Herzog & de Meuron do. The Birds Nest is beyond stunning. Those are the kind of heights I hope Mansour and Khaldoon are aiming for.

judging by the F1 track and other developments in Abu Dhabi they don't do things by half.

I think they'll do a 60,000 that in the design plans can be easily raised to 80-100,000, hopefully they'll design it to keep the maximum amount of noise in the stadium as possible.

I don't mind COMS i quite like it but if it's not what they are looking for they so be it.
allan harper said:
Ticket For Schalke said:
we already have the land, so not as expensive as others, if you look at arse for example, they are generating a lot of money, there are plenty of options to turn eastlands into another sporting event, cricket, athletics or something like that.

Lancashire could do with a new cricket gound its not up to test matched standard, that would get my vote

They have! It's being built as we speak. Phase one will be finished by the start of the season with phase two starting at the end of the season, then there are two further stands to build including a new hotel. I'm doing ome stell work and the balcony's on there at the moment. Plans look amazing with a new Tesco's being part of the third phase.

-- Mon Apr 05, 2010 10:46 pm --

Corky said:
allan harper said:
didnt know that, what shame nothing worse than having to past that hole to get to the cricket.

'The Point' it is mainly corperate and dwarfs the Pavillion. They are planning more of the same to 'get the ashes back'.

It gives mote corperate hospitality but there does not seem to be any more normal seats.


Loads more seats mate, will find out when I'm on site tomorrow and let you know but thinks its around 2.5k at present. It looks good inside with water features etc (well there being done at the moment but will look good).<br /><br />-- Mon Apr 05, 2010 10:47 pm --<br /><br />
jrb said:
COMS before the North Stand was added. You can clearly see the point where the current design/capacity of the stadium can be changed.

Note the end of the roof. In essence proving the North Stand roof can be dismantled without it affecting the other sections of the roof. In theory the roof can be taken down, the upper tier can be taken apart and the lower tier can be extended to create a Kop style 25,000 seater stand, with a new roof section being added to the remaining one. That's if the North Stand and the capacity of COMS are going to be increased that way? And that's the big if.



<a class="postlink" href="http://www.cabe.org.uk/case-studies/city-of-manchester-stadium" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.cabe.org.uk/case-studies/cit ... er-stadium</a>

Just adds to what I told you mate dont you think?
I love COMS but i want a new ground built, fit for us how WE want it.
Immaculate Pasta said:
I love COMS but i want a new ground built, fit for us how WE want it.

There is no way we will be building a new stadium, COMS will be developed. He may be rich but he aint daft, we have a great deal with the ground and future plans dictate we will not be paying much in the way of rent. When we do develop it though I'm sure the whole stadium will be given an overhall.

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