Post Match: City vs Barca

They are beatable but we I am going to sound like Captain Obvious here but we have to be more clinical when we get our chances.
It's been highlighted how much more comfortable on the ball Barca are than us, but we knew that anyway. They also pressed us to death in the first half, something that we should have been doing to them.

It's not something that I'd usually advocate, but I think we need to be a bit more direct in the second leg. Too many times tonight we'd break up the initial bout of Barca possession, then struggle to get the ball out of our own half and end up on the back foot again.

I'm not suggesting any Harry Basset Wimbledon tactics, but on occasions I think we should have looked to hit the front men a bit earlier tonight. In the second half we actually picked up a few decent second balls further up the pitch. With their full backs pushing on, there's usually a bit of space out wide. I thought Dzeko & Aguero worked the flanks pretty well in the second half. One things for sure, when Sergio started running at them, their centre halves were shit scared.
Chippy_boy said:
Our manager is a buffoon.

This. He rolled the dice and lost badly. His starting 11 was awful. His first sub worse. Unless he can somehow salvage this tie or win the league I say this is the moment that he lost his job. The hubris involved in picking that 11 is too much. You either win or walk away.
Matt the Giant said:
Can someone who knows more about tactics than I do, please explain to me how it would makes sense to sub our only two creative players when we are desperate for a goal?

Taking Nasri off was brainless by MP. Had to get a creative player off after the absurd red to clichy.
Probably said several times already, but we actually looked pretty good in the second half. I think even overall, we looked better than in the equivalent fixture last year.

Don't have the numbers in front of me, but we had to have had many, many, many times the shots/shots on target as last year when the magical fifth midfielder was on from the jump. I think we had Negredo on alone last year and he did precisely fuck-all the whole match.

That match was truly dreadful and soul-killing to watch. We could have played 900 minutes and never looked like scoring. I actually feel much better about this one than that last year. Still a loss, but at least we gave it a go and probably would have gotten a win had they not gotten one fortuitous bounce to Nosferatu and we'd finished just a bit more clinically. (Auntie bollocks uncle, sure, but still.)

Just read the last page or two of the match thread and first few of this - people are actually slating Bony and calling him shite? Yeah, he was out of sync but already he is worthless, then? And not just per that rag twat agroboateng or whoever?

Fucking hell. If there is a Bluemoon version of RAWK Meltdown there will be no shortage of material for that here.
What worries me about us still being in the tie is that Pellers will pick a 'weakened' team for the EPL match before the return leg - we'll blow that game and lose ground on Chelsea and then lose at the Nou Camp. He HAS to pick the strongest possible team and get his formations right for every game from now until the end of the season.
Well for me no surprise i fully expected a loss (my previous posts), the legendary city support nowhere to be seen or heard

As for the display i was quiet shocked the inability to play under pressure pass the ball right and hurt Barca on counters, corners ...

Made Barca look like world beaters i'm sure after advancing they will lose against the first good team.

Who's to blame ? since 2011 the transfers are not that good to be able to improve the starting 11 and the inability to be strong at home at least during Mancini era despite all the negative issues the team was hard to beat at home

so having to play with the likes of Fernando and Milner the new Zidane :) in the MD expect this result add to the list Vince the prince aka i talk too much before important games to finally be the one to commit an error leading to a goal

need to spend some wise money in order to get better players this generation quiet reached its limit

the only thing im happy about is the qualification it self just for the CL money issue + ranking

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