Post Match Reaction Thread (Please post in here)

so much for brazilians not making it in the PL!

we played well, but were a bit toothless going forward. cant get too disheartened by such a loss, its chelsea away ffs!
What the hell is Mancini doing? Why oh why does he persist to play junk like Kolarov and Dzeko? That was like watching fucking wood warp today and to cap it off he brings on Balotelli, the man should not play for us again after his recent attitude. Manager needs to go and kiss Bellamy's arse and bring him back asap, we looked a whole lot more efficient going forward with him in the side.
Re: This is enough for me now.

Pigeonho said:
Mancini can get the fuck out, as can Balotelli.
That's it, all I can fucking be arsed saying. Expecting abuse, 'rag' tags, this, that, whatever. We should be BETTER than this, and our season is falling apart. United in the semi's?! May as well just fuck it all off.
Not impressed. Not impressed one fucking twat-faced measley bit.

Right tho'
With Mancini is as if our players get out in the field with concrete blocks tied to their legs. His tactics don't suit a team that has the firepower we do. I'm not screaming to fire him, just pointing out the obvious.

We've become over-reliant on Tevez because Tevez is a beast, and he can do stuff even with that big chunk of concrete tied to his leg. But I can see why he was mad at the coach and wanted to leave.

It's infuriating to see so much potential wasted by a manager used to defending, slow build-up and counters, instead of using the possession to generate goals and making the team change rythm once in the area.
BillyShears said:
I thought the first half was pretty even. If anything, I thought we had the better of it. The big problem was lack of quality in the final delivery.

Second half they got stronger and we wilted leading to silly free kicks being given away. First goal came from two needless ones on the bounce. In hindsight the substitutions we made came ten minutes too late. We should've seen that Chelsea were putting us under pressure, and gone to a more attacking line up to try and relieve the pressure and/or score get a goal.

Individually I thought Lescott and Kompany were immense. Chelsea created very little, and that's a credit to them and De Jong. Kolarov was poor - he's looking to be a poor piece of business. His final ball has been consistently be crap since he joined, and it was again today. I won't say the same about Dzeko, but it's worrying how off the pace and average he looks. It's very early days with him though and he's certainly not a player you can play up top when you don't have excellent crossers of the ball on the field.

The result makes little difference to our pursuit for 4th.

Good analysis, Billy.

Just said the same about the subs, tbh I was really surprised that Bob didn't make them at 60 mins considering we played the other night - no point moaning about tiredness when he had 3 subs available and hadn't made any.

Might be my eyes deceiving me but Dzeko looks like he has put on weight since he signed, what do we fucking do in training.....
Re: In 44 years i can't remember us being so BORING

lazerblue said:
yes but we have been more boring for the last 8 months than at any time in the last 44yrs is what he means.

No he doesn't, because he admits that the Pearce Era was more boring and that he was only talking about "when we had spent 100m on strikers". I can't help but feel that he didn't really think this one through.
skybluepete said:
hey midnight,sit down,its at the other end of the pitch where we have massive problems-we got into some great situations today but the pass choice or quality of ball in the last third was shocking if it wasnt we had the chance to hurt them,you should be more worried about fuckin dzeko n kolarov mate,oh n yaya,weve forgot how to hit the back of the net
Just listening to Stevie Lomas on the radio saying he knows personally that Mancini doesn't work on forward play at all in training as he is obsessed with defensive shape and what to do when we don't have the ball. Hardly suprisning then that as an attacking force we are worse than Blackpool.
Re: The difference between us and Chelsea today

Totally Agree as annoying as its been this season we have to give them all time ! Time being more than one season !
Pride_In_Battle said:
Team spirit. Their players aren't that much better than ours, our defence kept everyone especially Torres, Malouda and Lampard especially quiet today. However, you can tell our players aren't playing for each other and the club as much as Chelsea were, most witnessed when their first went in.

Unfortunately, the only thing we can do is stick with the same group (INCLUDING THE MANAGER!), and it WILL come in time. Knee jerk reactions get you no-where. Manchester United are a very very average team on paper, but the majority of them have played together for years and as a result sit (quite comfortably) at the top of the table, mainly as a result of the legacy that Ferguson as forged in his time there.

Winning a trophy will help speed this along, but chopping and changing and making 6 or 7 signings each season is counter-productive and will get us no-where fast. Have faith. We have the players, we have one of the most talented managers in the world, and next season we will shine. Half of our team today arrived in the summer, it will take them a season to get used not only to the Premiership itself, but to playing with each other, life in a new country away from family and friends, new tactics and a new set of fans.

To shamelessly steal and tweak a famous movie quote: If we build it, it will come.

Have faith.
We have 9 or hopefully 10 games to go with 2 objectives -FA Cup and CL qualification. To stand any chance Mancini must :-
[1] Drop Kolarov for Lescott -and play Boetang next to Komps
[2] Play a 4-5-1 formation from now on.
[3] Play Tevez upfront, Johnson and Silva on the wings switching swides.
[4] Drop Barry for Zaba
[5] So, our only hope is


Mancini will never go all out attack, that's his choice. If he fails to achieve then he will probably pay the price.
Re: Same old story

Jim Tolmie's Underpants said:
You forgot Spurs - who were bottom of the league not so long ago, yet qualified for Champs League because they have a manager who actually tries to WIN big games.

That's intellectually dishonest. Spurs were bottom of the league because of the exact same issue that we have now. They had spent a fortune in a small amount of time, and were trying to gel the team together. Ramos spent more than Mancini. So has Redknapp IIRC.

The team was only there because they as a group were struggling to fit together, not because the standard of player or manger was relegation candidacy, which is how you make it sound.

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