Post match thread : Borussia Monchengladbach away CL

Finally a bit of luck in Europe.

Could have been 6-6 and could also have been a defeat. The 2nd pen for them that wasn't given was more a pen than the first.
2 goals from 26 attempts tells its own story as does the shocking defending from YaYa, Demichelis, Kolarov & Otamendi in that order that resulted in 13 attempts for them. Not sure if Silva or YaYa were fully fit. I'm not sure that YaYa should EVER start for us again in Europe as he's a fecking liability when defending. We clearly need both Kompany and Mangala back as quickly as possible as well!

Our corner taking is back to abysmal. Outswingers every time most not clearing the first man.
Aguero is still gash - though a wonderful turn at the end could have led to a goal if he hadn't been chopped down. So maybe a corner is turned. I await goals from open play though to confirm that.

On the plus side, wonderful Keeping from Hart with 3 great one on one stops and a penalty save.Those City fans who don't think he's any good need to give their head a wobble.
Part of the choreo today.
Finally a bit of luck in Europe.

Could have been 6-6 and could also have been a defeat. The 2nd pen for them that wasn't given was more a pen than the first.
2 goals from 26 attempts tells its own story as does the shocking defending from YaYa, Demichelis, Kolarov & Otamendi in that order that resulted in 13 attempts for them. Not sure if Silva or YaYa were fully fit. I'm not sure that YaYa should EVER start for us again in Europe as he's a fecking liability when defending. We clearly need both Kompany and Mangala back as quickly as possible as well!

Our corner taking is back to abysmal. Outswingers every time most not clearing the first man.
Aguero is still gash - though a wonderful turn at the end could have led to a goal if he hadn't been chopped down. So maybe a corner is turned. I await goals from open play though to confirm that.

On the plus side, wonderful Keeping from Hart with 3 great one on one stops and a penalty save.Those City fans who don't think he's any good need to give their head a wobble.
Aguero was a goal threat all game. That's an improvement

I didn't think either of their penalty claims were legitimate.

Could have drawn or even lost this, but as Keane said on ITV, we were also unlucky to lose against Juve
He'll be wearing a fcukin monacle next. Looks like he's packing on weight too. He and Barbie and McMinimum are stealing a living.

To be fair punditry has been dying a slow and painful death for decades, the proof is the fact two dinosaurs like Andy Grey and Richard Keys lasted as long as they did!

The only pundits worth listening to are Gary Neville and Graham Souness
Phew!! That was a nail biter..
Still wouldn't be the same without a bit of cheating..

Well done a wins a win no matter what..

Sound turned down watching the game BT need a rethink..
I've never seen us get back into 2 lines of 4 with no space between them when we are defending. All the decent teams we've played do this when they've lost the ball in a position where they can't press. Juve, Gladbach, PL teams. I watched this closely tonight and we had a back 4 but nothing organised in front of them, no shape, no formation, just lots of space. This is down to Pelle and he needs to get it sorted, fast.


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