Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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All in it together..........

But you don't want cuts but you don't want more debt? Please explain? I don't see how you can have both. Your link is irrelevant.

Its only irrelevant because it flies in the face of your argument.

Despite austerity for those least able to afford it, its still very much spend spend spend now where is all that money going?
The plastic lady got us in this, she can get us out of it!
Something quite sexy about her,maybe her baggy eyes,tight tops or leopard skin.
Or do I need help?
Its only irrelevant because it flies in the face of your argument.

Despite austerity for those least able to afford it, its still very much spend spend spend now where is all that money going?

No it doesn't it helps my argument. There have actually been no cuts - there has been a slowing of public spend. The money is going exactly where it has always gone. We are spending more than we ever have but trying to manage our economy so as not to burden future generations with an unsustainable burden. You should really be applauding the government for not turning off the spending tap as quickly as they firstly intended. That is closer to the truth. What do you think they are doing with the money ? Just giving it in sacks to rich people??!!!
Sinn Fein publicly going on record that the good Friday agreement is fucked.

Thank you tory bastards.
No it doesn't it helps my argument. There have actually been no cuts - there has been a slowing of public spend. The money is going exactly where it has always gone. We are spending more than we ever have but trying to manage our economy so as not to burden future generations with an unsustainable burden. You should really be applauding the government for not turning off the spending tap as quickly as they firstly intended. That is closer to the truth. What do you think they are doing with the money ? Just giving it in sacks to rich people??!!!

You live on a different planet if you believe any of that you have just wrote.

"there have been no cuts"

Didn't they get the largest vote of a Tory party since thatcher and the most votes and the most seats in the election despite the biggest blackmail of students ever and having to admit to the tough choices we face to get our economy back on track? Or am I missing something?
They went from being the government to being a minority government because, suddenly, people realised these tough choices you describe have actually been making it worse, not better.
As for bribing students, if indeed that's what happened, how is that any different to you voting for a party because they offer you tax cuts or offer pensioners a triple lock, free tv licences, free travel and winter fuel payments?
As for student loans, 9% they pay back, on all earnings over £21000. Maybe the government should just say everyone who ever went to university will pay 9% on everything they earn over £21000 (that pre not post tax)?
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