Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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You have to pay in Trafford now. Come and check it, it varies from week to week.

Used to play golf at Heaton park as a kid, god it's a tough course.

I believe you mate just surprised that's all, and was tongue in cheek regarding how much waste you generate.
As for Heaton park, it's brutal, longest course I've played I think and even good shots can result in lost balls as you play that many blind!!
It'll mostly never be paid back. As I said in an earlier post, maybe we should just put 9% on earnings over £21000 for everyone who ever graduated from university? Now that would realise quite a lot of cash (much more than Corbin was after).

I paid mine back as I am sure others do.

may be a bit harsh and inequitable as we only want them to pay back their loans and notional interest.

I am all for free education at uni but it's doesn't seem to be the biggest priority at the moment in society, unless of course you needed a lot of people to vote for you in an election then I can understand why you might want to prioritise it,
You live on a different planet if you believe any of that you have just wrote.

"there have been no cuts"


Can I have an apology? Or are you trying to think of something after your shock at those figures which show hard facts?
The IFS thinks your facebook link is total bollox!

No they don't. I have researched both. Can you back up your statement please?

Which bit is wrong? I look forward to it - truth is in one simple table it tells it as it is. And the ifs data is very very similar. I spent 4 hours cross referening it to check it was accurate about theee weeks ago when I saw it on Facebook. So I look forward to this response.

Not being a twat here but the facts are very accurate.
See my post above. I await your comments.

Does it have mention of cranes on the skyline of cities throughout the UK? And how that makes everything hunky dory?
I'll read it later ww.
At the moment I'm just sickened by the seeming rush to defend to use our 'booming' economy as an argument that everything is great.
It isn't. It's all smoke and mirrors.
Tell those who died excruciating deaths in the Grenfell Tower they were living the dream.
I admit that I've never given those people, or anyone else living in similar, a thought before. They got on with their lives and I got on with mine, 250 miles apart in this particular instance.
However, I know (and always have) that this economy shite never filters down.
Rant over.
I'll read it later ww.
It'll mostly never be paid back. As I said in an earlier post, maybe we should just put 9% on earnings over £21000 for everyone who ever graduated from university? Now that would realise quite a lot of cash (much more than Corbin was after).

so 39% of my hard-earned money being taken off me without spending a penny, sounds so appealing.
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