Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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Growth in the west and in the US and the EU is picking up but in the UK its on its way down. Wage deflation for years. The economy is the reason people are peed off.

That's my point, although to be fair we've had higher growth than Europe for some time and it's only recently dropped (as a result of the Brexit decision). If we end up staying in the single market, and the economy starts to boom, then the conservatives will invest more and people tempted by Labour may feel less inclined to be so. In fact I suspect they will anyway, after this disastrous campaign. They'd be stupid to ignore this result and carry on as if nothing had happened.
no way Labour could ever have won this by a majority
not with the current leader and politics, no. But bigger deficits have been turned around. As stated earlier in the thread, and as distasteful as it may be to a Corbyn supporter, Blair turned a 70 seat deficit into a 253 seat majority.
Corbyn had a great General Election campaign and you have to hand it to him, he outfoxed an over confident May, who like me, misjudged the mood of the country. All that said, I don't think a hung parliament will do us any good in the Brexit negotiations, its going to be a long and rocky road for the next 2 or 3 years at least..

The bottom line though is that he wont be PM this time around, May will stick with it and grab the DUP 10 to keep her in a job, sein Fein don't sit in Parliament or vote so their 7 not playing helps the Tories..
The problem she has is not the numerical majority she will get, its the remainer Tories who will thwart her Brexit plans at every turn, whilst plotting to oust her, which I dare say has already started...
Corby survived the plots against him, I take my hat off to him for that, May does not have the resilience he has and she will ultimately have to go...

24 hrs is a long time in politics, imagine how long the next few weeks, months and years are going to be... As a die hard Tory I am obviously feeling a bit pissed off today, I have to say though, it is kind of refreshing that the British public has once again said "fuck you establishment" and turned politics on its head again........ I'm off to drown my sorrows now, my neighbour is the only Labour supporter in the village, hope I don't see the smug twat, he told me last night this was going to happen, I laughed in his face, a bit of music to face and a dollop of humble Pie to gulp down tonight if I see the get.... ;-)

One thing I wont doing though is moaning about the result or telling all and sundry how wrong it is, the people have spoken, end of....
unlike some of you remain wankers on here... ;-) Have a good weekend all...!
From your point of view the future looks bright.

I'm still very concerned about Brexit. Tariff-free access to the single market is essential imo, unless we are all for a period of sustained hardship, irrespective of which government.

I don't think raising corporation tax at this difficult time however, would have done anything other than terrible harm, and I am glad we have knocked that on the head for the time-being at least.
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