Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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Poor campaign from Conservative. Concentrated purely on Brexit and mud slinging. If they did that and promised 5000 extra police and sort out terrorism they'd have won by a landslide
Poor campaign from Conservative. Concentrated purely on Brexit and mud slinging. If they did that and promised 5000 extra police and sort out terrorism they'd have won by a landslide
I don't think they did concentrate on Brexit.
The shit the Tories have put this country though over the past 2 years, all for the sake of settling their own infighting is beyond the pale. Shall we just take another look at this? They've brought these people in to prop up their government? And yet people still insist Corbyn would drag us backwards? People arguing about Corbyn not doing enough to appeal to the middle ground. The middle ground prefers this? Shame on them then. This is a national embarrassment.

Abortion should be “ruled out for rape victims”
The Pope is the Anti-Christ
Gay couples “more likely to abuse children
“Homosexuality is an abomination”
No gay marriage
“Gays more vile than child abusers”
Attempts to reduce CO2 emissions are “Green propaganda”
Claims that fossil fuels will run out are “nonsense”
“Man-made climate change is a con”
Creationism should be “taught in every school”
Removal of evolutionary teaching from the curriculum
The 60 million-year-old Giant’s Causeway is only 6,000 years old
Line dancing is “sinful”
I'm still very concerned about Brexit. Tariff-free access to the single market is essential imo, unless we are all for a period of sustained hardship, irrespective of which government.

I don't think raising corporation tax at this difficult time however, would have done anything other than terrible harm, and I am glad we have knocked that on the head for the time-being at least.

You can probably thank the DUP for avoiding a hard Brexit.
Is it okay to talk about 'ransom note' this time? Can Arlene Foster be described as a 'most dangerous woman' ?

Hypocrisy seems only to be matched by opportunism in this world.
The shit the Tories have put this country though over the past 2 years, all for the sake of settling their own infighting is beyond the pale. Shall we just take another look at this? They've brought these people in to prop up their government? And yet people still insist Corbyn would drag us backwards? People arguing about Corbyn not doing enough to appeal to the middle ground. The middle ground prefers this? Shame on them then. This is a national embarrassment.

Abortion should be “ruled out for rape victims”
The Pope is the Anti-Christ
Gay couples “more likely to abuse children
“Homosexuality is an abomination”
No gay marriage
“Gays more vile than child abusers”
Attempts to reduce CO2 emissions are “Green propaganda”
Claims that fossil fuels will run out are “nonsense”
“Man-made climate change is a con”
Creationism should be “taught in every school”
Removal of evolutionary teaching from the curriculum
The 60 million-year-old Giant’s Causeway is only 6,000 years old
Line dancing is “sinful”
They've a few nutters TBH mate but they're far from the worst, as an Irishman I'm happier with the DUP involved in the Brexit negotiations, the north needed some kind of representation and they were never going to get it from the Tories or Labour.
The shit the Tories have put this country though over the past 2 years, all for the sake of settling their own infighting is beyond the pale. Shall we just take another look at this? They've brought these people in to prop up their government? And yet people still insist Corbyn would drag us backwards? People arguing about Corbyn not doing enough to appeal to the middle ground. The middle ground prefers this? Shame on them then. This is a national embarrassment.

Abortion should be “ruled out for rape victims”
The Pope is the Anti-Christ
Gay couples “more likely to abuse children
“Homosexuality is an abomination”
No gay marriage
“Gays more vile than child abusers”
Attempts to reduce CO2 emissions are “Green propaganda”
Claims that fossil fuels will run out are “nonsense”
“Man-made climate change is a con”
Creationism should be “taught in every school”
Removal of evolutionary teaching from the curriculum
The 60 million-year-old Giant’s Causeway is only 6,000 years old
Line dancing is “sinful”

Oh yeah, the DUP are utter shits and they'll demand a heavy price for their support.

But there's a lot of common ground with the Tories, this cosy relationship was stitched up very quickly.

The DUP are just 19th century Tories.
For you, for now.

No, I meant in the respect of trying to secure a softer Brexit. Hence the words, "in that respect".

You must be feeling pretty positive too, I would imagine? A hard Brexit looks less likely (how less we could debate, but it's certainly not more likely), and your man did better than pretty much anyone expected. You must be pleased, no?

Surely you were not expecting Corbyn to win, were you?
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