Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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No, I meant in the respect of trying to secure a softer Brexit. Hence the words, "in that respect".

You must be feeling pretty positive too, I would imagine? A hard Brexit looks less likely (how less we could debate, but it's certainly not more likely), and your man did better than pretty much anyone expected. You must be pleased, no?

Surely you were not expecting Corbyn to win, were you?

I was not expecting a Corbyn win.

But a soft Brexit is not really an option for the Tories, the party won't stomach it. Maybe Len Rum is right and we'll see the Tory Party split.
I'm sure I heard this morning on GMB Robert Peston say the DUP wanted a hard Brexit last year even though the Irish voters didn't ....or was I hearing things?

Not sure what you heard mate, but the DUP are strongly in favor of a soft Brexit. They campaigned under that banner for this election. Their leader in particular, Arlene Foster, campaigned for Remain.

This article sums it up pretty well -
mocked in PMQ's every time he spoke, half of his party wanted him out not that long ago, Tory supporters cheering his reappointment, the right wing smear from the Murdoch empire... and May announcing this election to put the final nail in his coffin

dam right this a success for Corbyn
Yes it is a relative success for Corbyn but my point is that this is more about May's failures. She has been an absolute disgrace since she announced the election and immediately seemed to think she could take the electorate's support for granted without having to make any effort at all. So yes, a relative success for Corbyn but I still think Labour with a middle ground leader would have caned her last night. But as I said, if Labour had not had a proper lefty as leader there would have been no election last night anyway.
I don't see tariffs as an issue. Germany have a big say in Europe and I don't think the likes of BMW, Mercedes, BASF, Siemens etc would be hugely delighted to see their goods burdened with tariffs.

We've debated this ad nauseum mate. It is my view that the most important thing for Germany is that the EU holds together and that the UK breaking away, does not become the beginning of the end for the whole of the EU as we know it.

That imo is far more important to them than a 1 or 2% drop in BMW's global sales (maybe a 10% drop in exports to the UK). This "they need us more than we need them" line is a misleading statement. Every single EU country bar none, exports less to the UK than we do to the EU as a whole. A bad deal hurts us more than it hurts any single EU country. And any drop in BMW sales to the UK would in any event be offset somewhat by more BMWs being sold to would be Jaguar buyers in other EU countries. The bottom line is that Germany would hardly notice if we had a 10% export tariff. We'd be up shit creek.
They've a few nutters TBH mate but they're far from the worst, as an Irishman I'm happier with the DUP involved in the Brexit negotiations, the north needed some kind of representation and they were never going to get it from the Tories or Labour.

We'll have to agree to disagree on that one.
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