Post Match Thread: Election 2017

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She will stay as long as she needs to to ensure a new government and stop Corbyn being the PM no one really wants.

Perhaps, I know I'm not the only Tory voter who will be glad to see the back of her though. Altricham is solid, staunchly Blue and I haven't met a single person who don't blame her personally for the results.
There's not a chance this coalition can last the 5 years though is there.
Use the search facility and see that everyone said that seven years ago as well.

Everyone repeating it is starting to sound like the scousers "next year is our year"
Depending on who takes over I'm not sure Labour will want that. They'd have a far better chance in five years after Brexit.

They could have blocked the motion to call this election had they wanted to do so, and they did not. (Since a 2/3rds majority was needed to overturn the fixed term parliament.)

One might reasonably assume that if they were happy to try when they were 20 points behind, they wouldn't refuse another go when they are much closer.
I do hope not.

Maybe we'll see a Labour party split if the disgruntled centrists decide they cannot continue within a such a left-leaning party. I imagine many were expecting and in a way hoping Corbyn to be annihilated, so they could get rid of him. With that not on the agenda now, what will they do? I say all of the above half tongue-in-cheek, but it does raise an interesting question. Are a majority of Labour MP's sufficiently "pleased" with the result that they will cut Corbyn some slack? Or will his tightening of his stranglehold on the party force them to do something else?

We could have the rather daft prospect of both the Tories and Labour split down the middle, with the farcical possibility of the party that manages not to self-destruct first, being the ultimate victor.

The Labour party won't split, they know what happened with the SDP. Besides the Blairites have nowhere to go, the membership loathe them, so they can't hijack the party, or the name.
The Labour party won't split, they know what happened with the SDP. Besides the Blairites have nowhere to go, the membership loathe them, so they can't hijack the party, or the name.

Unfortunately the "Blairites" as you call them are still the only Labour members who have ever actually won an election.

This is a fad and will pass. Centrist politics will ALWAYS win.
The Labour party won't split, they know what happened with the SDP. Besides the Blairites have nowhere to go, the membership loathe them, so they can't hijack the party, or the name.

I am sure you are right. As I say, I mentioned it only half tongue-in-cheek.

I do wonder how some of the Labour centrist MPs are feeling this morning though? Pleasantly pleased and surprised, or monumentally pissed off.
To be fair, I thought that was their position too, but I just assumed I'd got it wrong based on the commentary on here over the past hour or two.
Yeah I thought I heard him say they wanted a total separation from the EU against the wishes of the Irish voters....I had it on in the background so wasn't paying much attention
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