Poznan instead of booing of Champions League anthem at the start!

I know no blue is thinking that, but that is essentially what booing is saying at this point. The club, the manager, and the players have all said they don’t want the fans to boo the anthem anymore, so doing it is in practice saying “fuck off” with your request.

And I don’t think we’ve let them off lightly. We’ve made it abundantly clear what we think about them and what they have done to the club. But that situation is—according to the club and Pep—over now and the club needs the fans to support their work on and off the pitch moving forward.

Not everyone may like it but surely ever blue wants to support the club in the way they are reasonably asking?

And, to be clear, I used to boo, as well. If I ever get to attend another match again I won’t be doing it, though, to respect the club’s, Pep’s, and the player’s wishes.

Because, if we aren’t there to support them, what’re we there for?
Again that is just an interpretation and I respect your thoughts on the matter as well as your reasons for your personal choice. We are all here and there to support them and I have no doubt manager and player requests along with the passing of time will eventually bring the booing to an end. As I said before we can do both.
Again that is just an interpretation and I respect your thoughts on the matter as well as your reasons for your personal choice. We are all here and there to support them and I have no doubt manager and player requests along with the passing of time will eventually bring the booing to an end. As I said before we can do both.
Fair enough.

Let’s enjoy what will hopefully be an amazing day for all blues!
If I were there I’d be booing that gimpy jingle 10x louder than usual.

And even more so should we win the fucking thing.

Winning this game today is the ultimate middle finger to the cunts.

And anyone who calls it an “anthem” has fallen for their marketing bollocks. It’s a fucking advertising jingle.
I did what Uefa asked.i caught the bus. 2 hours, 2 fucking hours. it took, I then found the fan park had run out of beer, I queued to get out the fan park I queued to get in the ground.
All the while exec coaches zoomed past me.
If anyone tells me I should not boo the silly FUCKING jingle, they can fuck right off. That includes anyone who knows me likes me doesn't like ne. This shithouse corrupt organisation can get to FUCK.
Edit to my post. I left the bar at 5.30pm for a 10pm kick off. If that is football, I'm done with it.
I did what Uefa asked.i caught the bus. 2 hours, 2 fucking hours. it took, I then found the fan park had run out of beer, I queued to get out the fan park I queued to get in the ground.
All the while exec coaches zoomed past me.
If anyone tells me I should not boo the silly FUCKING jingle, they can fuck right off. That includes anyone who knows me likes me doesn't like ne. This shithouse corrupt organisation can get to FUCK.
Here here, shower of cunts
Bumping this because I want to know if anyone that said do t boo went to the match and used the disgraceful shuttle buses, the farce of a fanzone and the wank stadium.
Edit to my post. I left the bar at 5.30pm for a 10pm kick off. If that is football, I'm done with it.
Same. We left Taksim at 16:30, fucking awful organisation from UEFA. Sacked off the buses on the way back after seeing the state of the shit show in the car park, no organisation, no information. We walked back and caught the metro which was great as they had altered the timetable to make it as easy as possible with less stops/changes, but my overriding criticism is allowing the Stadium to charge €2.50 for a tiny little 250ml tub of water.

Think about it, that's TEN Euro's a litre !!!!!!

Criminal extortion at its most blatant.

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