Poznan instead of booing of Champions League anthem at the start!

Boo the fucking jingle.

Billions worldwide will hear how we feel about the corrupt cunts.

The players and Pep know why we do it. If anything it will fire up the siege mentality.
We were shit until the prem charged us, since then we’ve boo’d their jingle and we’ve won the league. I don’t want to hear any of this “the players don’t like it” bullshit.

100% correct Dave.

Sadly some City fans have short memories.

Right, let’s say this…

If you were lucky enough to be in a room just stood with Pep and Gundogan.
You then say, do you both appreciate the constant booing protest for years before the game or would you prefer blue moon sang or the Poznan done and they both said the latter 2, would you still boo? Knowing the manager and captain have told you they prefer us not to?

To say a lot have short memories is pathetic. Some people can move on. In life people will be against you or disagree. In your view we just boo for the rest of time ha? Christ, cheer up!

We are just becoming like the the weirdo scousers… just boo everything!
We already boo the CL, no doubt as well the PL as the players shake hands… soon it will be the national anthem ha. Everyone these days is just so angry about everything.

We‘ve made our point now surely.
We protest by winning all these trophies. That’s the protest. That’s what annoys everyone how good we are.

If you feel so strongly still, go to UEFA head quarters and stand outside and boo the building.
Least then a security guard might come out and move you on. That will mean 1 person at least gave a shit.

Majority of our players play for us so they can win the CL. It means more to them than the PL.
So why boo when all they want is support in the ground not negative booing just before they start.
Pissed up multitasking going on..Booing and doing the poznan while chanting CITY at the same time..Ladies please step forward
People are paying to watch City.

That doesn't mean we should forget or forgive UEFA for what they've done to the club and to the fans.

If it wasn't for the independent CAS jury and the 2-1 verdict in City's favour, the club would have been fucked over by UEFA. The fact that City had no choice but to go to CAS to prove it's innocence is testament to how desperate UEFA were to destroying City, aided by their European cartel clubs.

Fuck UEFA!

We don't have to forgive and forget but the players and manager would prefer we support them than boo the anthem so that's what we should do. Winning the competition is the biggest and best way to say fuck you to UEFA and supporting the team gives us the best chance of doing that. Doing the poznan during it would be epic.
It's a 30 second boo, followed by 90 minutes of support. I'm really not getting this 30 second booing faux outrage by some on here. Once the whistle goes, do you think Pep and the players will dwell on the 30 seconds of booing? No, I don't either. Whether you like it or not, the booing will happen, so just accept it.
But those people have long gone from uefa. It’s the competition the players and club crave the most. I understood the booing when the cartel were running the show but after the super league fiasco uefa is a different animal.

Cough, Cough, Bollocks, Cough, Cough
Right, let’s say this…

If you were lucky enough to be in a room just stood with Pep and Gundogan.
You then say, do you both appreciate the constant booing protest for years before the game or would you prefer blue moon sang or the Poznan done and they both said the latter 2, would you still boo? Knowing the manager and captain have told you they prefer us not to?

To say a lot have short memories is pathetic. Some people can move on. In life people will be against you or disagree. In your view we just boo for the rest of time ha? Christ, cheer up!

We are just becoming like the the weirdo scousers… just boo everything!
We already boo the CL, no doubt as well the PL as the players shake hands… soon it will be the national anthem ha. Everyone these days is just so angry about everything.

We‘ve made our point now surely.
We protest by winning all these trophies. That’s the protest. That’s what annoys everyone how good we are.

If you feel so strongly still, go to UEFA head quarters and stand outside and boo the building.
Least then a security guard might come out and move you on. That will mean 1 person at least gave a shit.

Majority of our players play for us so they can win the CL. It means more to them than the PL.
So why boo when all they want is support in the ground not negative booing just before they start.

You can type as much as you want, the vast majority will boo (and rightly so), find another cause.

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