Skashion said:
What has that got to do with anything? I'm sure now this topic has cropped up, Prestwich_Blue will be here, but Gaddafi became a western ally before his fall from power so bringing it up like it had something to do with it is utterly wrong. The west only switched sides of Gaddafi because they thought he was losing. Until then, they'd been perfectly happy for British and American companies to profit from Libyan oil.
Blueinsa keeps bringing up Iraq, for god know what reason I don't know, but it's especially absurd in the context of drone strikes. The drone strikes are primarily in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen. What do these countries have to do with Iraq? Each of them are over a thousand miles away and separated from Iraq by countries with strong militaries who hate Islamic extremists, or in Iran's case, Sunni extremists.
Libya was a terrorist supporting state and yes, oil money was more important than people, some things never change eh?.
My point is that if a country supports terrorism against us, then they get all that is coming to them, drones make the casualties much less than before, sad as it is for the innocent.
-- Fri Apr 26, 2013 12:30 pm --
Josh Blue said:
Oh come on man. I disagreed with everything you said but this just isn't credible. Bonkers absolutely bonkers.
Ok, Josh, how would you deal with this situation?