Josh Blue
Well-Known Member
pominoz said:Skashion said:Ok, I get it. White civilians die = terrorism. Brown/black civilians die = collateral damage. Cheers for clearing that up for us.pominoz said:Libya was a terrorist supporting state and yes, oil money was more important than people, some things never change eh?.
My point is that if a country supports terrorism against us, then they get all that is coming to them, drones make the casualties much less than before, sad as it is for the innocent.
According to recent analysis drone strikes kill up to fifty civilians for every high-level terrorist. Obviously they already know where these people are. So, why don't they extract them? Do you think fifty soldiers would die for every extraction? Honestly. Zero died taking Bin Laden. So why swap fifty dead Pakistanis then? Answer: the lives of white Americans who signed up to die, are worth a lot more than Pakistani civilians. It's absurd to justify it. It is racism, and if you're justifying it, you're justifying racism.
Do not go down the racist route Skansh, you are better than that, there were many Brown/black civilians in the UK,USA and Aus that were victims.
It is about ideology not race.
-- Fri Apr 26, 2013 12:50 pm --
Josh Blue said:pominoz said:Yes and yes.
Stop funding and training them when it suits (Always going to end badly)
Stop supporting oppressive unelected families like Bahrain.
Impose sanctions on Israel.
Fair prices for oil and minerals in Africa.
No more puppet governments to be placed in the middle east.
Start using oil in home territories instead of taking others.
Raise U.S minimum wage to cope with rising oil prices.
This would be the start...
I agree with every point, but would it stop the fanatics bombing us for a Islamist world?
Yes. Islam does the want to conquer the world. The Quran teaches peace and tolerance of any man who has different beliefs.
Most terror attacks are directly linked with the U.S rape and pillage of the middle east. It is seen as a crusade.
Some suicide bombs in places like Iraq atm are in house problems between the sunni and shia populations. It's very similar to what Northern Ireland was like.
I cannot really think of any bombings linked with fanatics wanting Islam to conquer to world.