Premier League Years 2013/14

jimharri said:
mad4city said:
pirate said:
"jumped the shark" is reference to "Happy Days" and how it went downhill beginning with the episode where Fonzy (hhhhheeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy) jumps a shark on water skis. you should have asked are you 12 or the fan of a crap 70's and 80's sitcom or just a cock.

Don't bad mouth happy Days. Some of the happiest 'alone-time moments' of my early teens were dedicated to Joanie Cunningham.
First time I've heard it described like that!
Ah alone time moments with the tissue neatly folded ready to act as wicket keeper....
mad4city said:
Didsbury Dave said:
mad4city said:
You're right, of course. We're all wrong except you.

Feel better?

You think I'm the only person in the world who doesn't share your embarrassing persecution complex?


Oh, stop being such a drama queen. Persecution complex? Seriously?
Scary? Really?
What a strange concept of context you have.

But hey, I'll say it again, you're absolutely right. We're lucky to have you aboard. We really are.
Sure, you regularly fail to construct anything like a considered argument to support your denial of media bias and you repeatedly resort to boorish bluster and the repitition of buzz words and phrases ("jumped the shark"? Which are you, twelve or Californian?) but never mind all that. You're welcome in my book, if only because you make me laugh. No matter how many incidents are highlighted you repeatedly ignore the issue at hand and just attempt to ridicule the messenger. It's laughably predictable and woefully inept as a debating tactic but, you know, somehow, it doesn't half tickle me. You're like the Comical Ali of the bias deniers. You really are.
I wouldn't mind if you ever offered constructive criticism or considered counter-argument but you seem to be serially incapable of either. There are loads of others around here that do. And fair play to them. It's all about opinions, after all. You, on the other hand, just seem to espouse the contrary position without reason or at least, articulation thereof.
But hey, if it makes you feel clever to have a pop at me, as we say around my way: tear away, me mother's a dressmaker.

Let me make one thing abundantly clear. I spend plenty of time and energy debating on here. But when I see a pile of embarrassing, paranoid, deluded forum shite like you posted I will laugh and mock, thanks. The guy gave you a clear and unarguable explanation as to why only one goal was shown from that game, yet you continued to espouse your childish nonsense. Do you think the team in the Sky editing suite thought "I know: I won't put the best city goal on, I will put a shit one on. That will piss the bastards off". Do you really think that would happen?

People like you don't come from a position which deserves 'healthy debate'. you come from a position which makes me think you are a young internet fool with zero knowledge of the media and the same big daft persecution complex that most young internet football fools have.

You might be a lovely bloke in real life. I've never noticed you before so I've no idea. But in my book you're a clown, seeing as we are being honest with each other. A fool. And assertations of "all of us", as though you're some kind of enlightened intelligentsia elite, rather than a bunch of clueless internet fools, makes your delusion levels even more remarkable.
Didsbury Dave said:
mad4city said:
Didsbury Dave said:
You think I'm the only person in the world who doesn't share your embarrassing persecution complex?


Oh, stop being such a drama queen. Persecution complex? Seriously?
Scary? Really?
What a strange concept of context you have.

But hey, I'll say it again, you're absolutely right. We're lucky to have you aboard. We really are.
Sure, you regularly fail to construct anything like a considered argument to support your denial of media bias and you repeatedly resort to boorish bluster and the repitition of buzz words and phrases ("jumped the shark"? Which are you, twelve or Californian?) but never mind all that. You're welcome in my book, if only because you make me laugh. No matter how many incidents are highlighted you repeatedly ignore the issue at hand and just attempt to ridicule the messenger. It's laughably predictable and woefully inept as a debating tactic but, you know, somehow, it doesn't half tickle me. You're like the Comical Ali of the bias deniers. You really are.
I wouldn't mind if you ever offered constructive criticism or considered counter-argument but you seem to be serially incapable of either. There are loads of others around here that do. And fair play to them. It's all about opinions, after all. You, on the other hand, just seem to espouse the contrary position without reason or at least, articulation thereof.
But hey, if it makes you feel clever to have a pop at me, as we say around my way: tear away, me mother's a dressmaker.

Let me make one thing abundantly clear. I spend plenty of time and energy debating on here. But when I see a pile of embarrassing, paranoid, deluded forum shite like you posted I will laugh and mock, thanks. The guy gave you a clear and unarguable explanation as to why only one goal was shown from that game, yet you continued to espouse your childish nonsense. Do you think the team in the Sky editing suite thought "I know: I won't put the best city goal on, I will put a shit one on. That will piss the bastards off". Do you really think that would happen?

People like you don't come from a position which deserves 'healthy debate'. you come from a position which makes me think you are a young internet fool with zero knowledge of the media and the same big daft persecution complex that most young internet football fools have.

You might be a lovely bloke in real life. I've never noticed you before so I've no idea. But in my book you're a clown, seeing as we are being honest with each other. A fool. And assertations of "all of us", as though you're some kind of enlightened intelligentsia elite, rather than a bunch of clueless internet fools, makes your delusion levels even more remarkable.
Because it was bollocks, and he conceded he was incorrect.

Swing and a miss, Dave.
Didsbury Dave said:
Let me make one thing abundantly clear. I spend plenty of time and energy debating on here.
That'd be an extremely generous definition of what you do but if you're happy to believe that, knock yourself out.

Didsbury Dave said:
But when I see a pile of embarrassing, paranoid, deluded forum shite like you posted I will laugh and mock, thanks.
That's your prerogative, I suppose. One tip if I may, though... try not to use more than two adjectives a a time as it dilutes their impact. Also, try not to do so in a sentence that makes you appear to be so condescending. It makes it all just sound like a self-serving rant. Then, I'm sure you already knew that, given all the time you spend "debating".

Didsbury Dave said:
The guy gave you a clear and unarguable explanation as to why only one goal was shown from that game .
Which, if you'd actually read my post, immediately accepted.

Didsbury Dave said:
Do you think the team in the Sky editing suite thought "I know: I won't put the best city goal on, I will put a shit one on. That will piss the bastards off". Do you really think that would happen?
I have no idea. You see, I don't have imaginary conversations going on in my head. I'll leave that to you.
What is inarguable is that they chose to show a routine penalty instead of five others that were scored from open play. You'll have to ask Sky why they did that. I think it's because of of an anti-City bias. Many others agree with me. You don't, evidently but, apart from the quoted imaginary conversation, you offer absolutely no counter argument; certainly, nothing tangible.

Didsbury Dave said:
People like you don't come from a position which deserves 'healthy debate'. you come from a position which makes me think you are a young internet fool with zero knowledge of the media .
"People like you" eh? Wow.
Thank you for calling me young. At 46, I don't get that so often. Unless you were being condescending again, of course. It's so difficult to tell with your rapier wit and intricate debating techniques.
During those forty-odd years, I've been commissioned and paid for my contributions to (amongst others) RTE, BBC World Service, The Irish Independent and The Irish Examiner. So perhaps, you'll be gracious enough to concede that I might possibly have a little bit more than zero knowledge of the media.

Didsbury Dave said:
You might be a lovely bloke in real life. I've never noticed you before so I've no idea. But in my book you're a clown, seeing as we are being honest with each other. A fool. And assertations of "all of us", as though you're some kind of enlightened intelligentsia elite, rather than a bunch of clueless internet fools, makes your delusion levels even more remarkable.

You're wrong again. I'm not a lovely bloke, at all.
You probably haven't noticed me because, guess what? I have better things to do than look for notice on Bluemoon. Unlike you, I don't spend "much time and energy debating" on the internet. I'm far happier writing for people who pay me.
As for the last sentence of your post... Jesus, man, get out and get yourself some fresh air. That's bordering on paranoia, that is.
Finally, you did get one thing right. I am a clown. I must be if I've wasted all this time trying to engage you in sensible discussion.
karen7 said:
AntonDonJuan said:
Just so i know, who is Blue is the opposite of blue? I take it that he is a name changer?

Young bob who used to rant and have hissy fits

I thought that annoying **** was banned for life. If not, he should be the annoying ****

What an annoying little **** he is
AntonDonJuan said:
karen7 said:
AntonDonJuan said:
Just so i know, who is Blue is the opposite of blue? I take it that he is a name changer?

Young bob who used to rant and have hissy fits

I thought that annoying c**t was banned for life. If not, he should be the annoying c**t

What an annoying little c**t he is
Anton? You're still here?! I thought they'd put you in a home.

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