Premier League's own FFP restrictions?

One thing that has hallmarked our owners since the takeover is their reticence. They have been very restrained in making public utterances and happy to get on with the job in hand, which they have masterminded. It is clear this culture has trickled down throughout the club. Patrick Vieira apart, none of our players spoke negatively about united last season, in stark contrast to the likes of Rooney, Smalling and Ferdinand - who cannot even bring himself to refer to us by our name, such is the bile that courses through his veins.

I suspect this matter, if its implementation is lobbied for further, may mark a departure from that policy. UEFA FFP was a different matter. It occurred too soon after the takeover for the club to have any political weight in lobbying effectively in relation to it. That is no longer the case - we are now a proven entity. A real power within the game. A 'massive club' if you will.

I am greatly encouraged that the club has strongly indicated their antipathy to this idea. Doubtless self-interest is a big factor. For a start we should always oppose anything which can and will give united a competitive advantage over us (which this proposal surely will) now we are in a position to do something about it. Moreover whilst I have no doubt that Gill's vision for the future encompasses (at best) a two horse league like Spain or (at worst) a breakaway European league, it is equally possible that our owners believe, unlike Gill, that the current arrangement best serves their commercial interests - not killing the Golden Goose and all that.

I would like to think there is a further reason. Since 2008 our owners have displayed themselves to be a very different type from the Henry's and the Glazer's of this world. From their support of community projects to their vision for the club they have displayed a way of thinking that sets them apart. I'm not so naive to think that the wider interests of the game are what motivate them, but I'd like to think that they recognise that a stronger domestic game is in everybody's best interests and a complete absence of competition is not.

I would like this matter to be their opportunity to demonstrate to the majority of the Premier League (and the Football League) what this notion will actually mean. What its real motive is and why the likes of Henry and Gill are so robustly in favour of it. I would like them to ensure that the same misconceptions that surfaced when UEFA FFP was introduced do not replicate themselves in this instance.

And I would like them to suggest alternatives which ensure a degree of competition within the league that prevents united from riding off into the sunset.

They should do this for the good of football, but most of all they should do it for the good of Manchester City.
Oh dear-hypocritical beyond belief.

Let's hope our income fucking well increases rapido.

What gets me still is the fact that our owner is basically being told what to spend on his own business model. Deary me.This does not happen in any other walk of life.
M18CTID said:
Dirty Harry said:
mike channon´s windmill said:
This - sucking up to the scum - whinging, self centred. cowardly scouse coonts

Funny thing is, the rags were all too happy to let Liverpool and Arsenal fall by the wayside (and have a jolly good chuckle about it), now we're after their bollocks they all jump in the same bed together, pure unadulterated fear.

It's hilarious. Thing is though, providing we keep doing well on the pitch, coupled with us increasing revenues off it, we could be totally unaffected by any FFP regs that the Premier League might bring in - you'd have to think such rules would be 2 or 3 years at the very least from being enforced and by then the City "juggernaut", as someone else on this thread put it, may well be totally unstoppable.

Bit of a pisser for those clubs aspiring to do what we've done though. I wonder how Forest fans and their owners feel about this?
This is correct. By the time it was ever brought in we would hopefully be spending what we earn, more or less, meaning it will not affect us one bit. It is aimed at making sure another 'us' doesn't happen i guess, not to stop us. It's too late to stop us. I always look at Everton and wonder why no-one has bought them and made them like what we are, presume its the fact they have a shit stadium. Either way though if this was brought in, many many clubs may aswell give up hope of finishing any higher than 4th, because those 3 spots above will be occupied by us, United and Chelsea for the foreseeable future.

The PL. Killing dreams.
The journalist on Sky Sports this moning actually said "You would expect Man United to be against thos proposal but they support Liverpool"

In what world what United not want this?

People don't get it.
Pigeonho said:
M18CTID said:
Dirty Harry said:
Funny thing is, the rags were all too happy to let Liverpool and Arsenal fall by the wayside (and have a jolly good chuckle about it), now we're after their bollocks they all jump in the same bed together, pure unadulterated fear.

It's hilarious. Thing is though, providing we keep doing well on the pitch, coupled with us increasing revenues off it, we could be totally unaffected by any FFP regs that the Premier League might bring in - you'd have to think such rules would be 2 or 3 years at the very least from being enforced and by then the City "juggernaut", as someone else on this thread put it, may well be totally unstoppable.

Bit of a pisser for those clubs aspiring to do what we've done though. I wonder how Forest fans and their owners feel about this?
This is correct. By the time it was ever brought in we would hopefully be spending what we earn, more or less, meaning it will not affect us one bit. It is aimed at making sure another 'us' doesn't happen i guess, not to stop us. It's too late to stop us. I always look at Everton and wonder why no-one has bought them and made them like what we are, presume its the fact they have a shit stadium. Either way though if this was brought in, many many clubs may aswell give up hope of finishing any higher than 4th, because those 3 spots above will be occupied by us, United and Chelsea for the foreseeable future.

The PL. Killing dreams.

Pigeon-You say it will be to late to affect us. I wish I had you confidence. Our income streams are certainly increasing but are they going to be enough. This is my only fear.I wonder what Prestwich blues take is on all this
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Pigeonho said:
M18CTID said:
It's hilarious. Thing is though, providing we keep doing well on the pitch, coupled with us increasing revenues off it, we could be totally unaffected by any FFP regs that the Premier League might bring in - you'd have to think such rules would be 2 or 3 years at the very least from being enforced and by then the City "juggernaut", as someone else on this thread put it, may well be totally unstoppable.

Bit of a pisser for those clubs aspiring to do what we've done though. I wonder how Forest fans and their owners feel about this?
This is correct. By the time it was ever brought in we would hopefully be spending what we earn, more or less, meaning it will not affect us one bit. It is aimed at making sure another 'us' doesn't happen i guess, not to stop us. It's too late to stop us. I always look at Everton and wonder why no-one has bought them and made them like what we are, presume its the fact they have a shit stadium. Either way though if this was brought in, many many clubs may aswell give up hope of finishing any higher than 4th, because those 3 spots above will be occupied by us, United and Chelsea for the foreseeable future.

The PL. Killing dreams.

Pig-You say it will be to late to affect us. I wish I had you confidence. Our income streams are certainly increasing but are they going to be enough. This is my only fear.I wonder what Prestwich blues take is on all this

Calling him a pig is against the COC, surely ;-)
gordondaviesmoustache said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Pigeonho said:
This is correct. By the time it was ever brought in we would hopefully be spending what we earn, more or less, meaning it will not affect us one bit. It is aimed at making sure another 'us' doesn't happen i guess, not to stop us. It's too late to stop us. I always look at Everton and wonder why no-one has bought them and made them like what we are, presume its the fact they have a shit stadium. Either way though if this was brought in, many many clubs may aswell give up hope of finishing any higher than 4th, because those 3 spots above will be occupied by us, United and Chelsea for the foreseeable future.

The PL. Killing dreams.

Pig-You say it will be to late to affect us. I wish I had you confidence. Our income streams are certainly increasing but are they going to be enough. This is my only fear.I wonder what Prestwich blues take is on all this

Calling him a pig is against the COC, surely ;-)

lol-edited to prevent the hammer!
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Pig-You say it will be to late to affect us. I wish I had you confidence. Our income streams are certainly increasing but are they going to be enough. This is my only fear.I wonder what Prestwich blues take is on all this

Calling him a pig is against the COC, surely ;-)

lol-edited to prevent the hammer!
It's ok, I was once called a 'fucking pig' by an ex mrs p. ;-)
If i was a little computer business and i pitched up across the road from PC WORLD and after a few years of investment from myself, started selling better computers than them which in turn increased my revenue so that i could become global, i would be recognised as a success and hailed an entrepeneur. Would the government walk in and say "sorry son we can't be having this, PC WORLD profits and brand are rapidly declining?" - would they bollox!

The "mighty" red empire created this monster and now someone else has challenged them at the head of the table they are trying to rally round for support of others to reclaim their perch at the top. Any aspiring business model foundation should be to take on the competition head on. But in this instance the "mighty" red army just simply haven't got the minerals.

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