Premier League's own FFP restrictions?

Re: City and Utd at conflict over FFP in today's Telegraph

HERE you go!

At the League’s annual meeting the idea of tighter financial controls being imposed on clubs was advanced by Liverpool. It gained the support of a number of their rivals, including United’s chief executive, David Gill, who had previously helped shape Uefa’s ground-breaking Financial Fair Play rules.

The delegation from Arsenal is believed to have spoken up in favour. The club’s owner, Stan Kroenke is, like Liverpool’s John W Henry and United’s Glazer family, familiar with restrictive financial regulations through the US sports franchises they own. West Ham United’s joint chairman David Gold also gave his approval.

Gold told The Daily Telegraph: “I was involved in bringing in the FFP rules in the Championship and at the time I thought should I get to the Premier League, I’ll lobby for it. I made it abundantly clear we shouldn’t be doing nothing. David Gill was marvellous. He made lots of sense. Even the big clubs now are saying we have to get to grips with costs.”

But the subject was not unanimously supported. Manchester City, whose owner, Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed al-Nahyan , subsidised spending with £43.3million in cash between June 1, 2009, and the end of May 2011, are believed to have cautioned that they would prefer to manage their business as they see fit.

Fulham, whose rise through the leagues was financed by ‘soft’ loans from the chairman, Mohamed Fayed, have also historically expressed the view that they would not endorse a system that “kills the dreams” of others. However, this time they did not push back against Liverpool’s proposal.

It all meant the Premier League executive staff have been tasked with drawing up a report on what proposals could be introduced. One option would be to adopt wholesale the Uefa FFP regulations.

Both Chelsea and United were instrumental in developing these, which require clubs to break even within a margin of “acceptable deviation” of €45 million (£35.5 million) over the first two years of their formal implementation – next season and the following.

Chelsea and United are confident of meeting Uefa’s rules despite their inclusion not just of cash expenditure but accounting charges relating to historical spending under “amortisation”. However, City will find that particularly challenging.

Their Premier League champions’ operating loss in the 2010-11 season alone – the most recent for which accounts are available – was £194.9 million. Even though some areas of this spending will be discounted as allowable, the discounts are unlikely to bring operating losses under FFP to within the £35.5 million cushion over two years.

David Gill, Manchester United’s chief executive, has told Parliament: “We were involved through the European Club Association, as were other clubs, such as Chelsea, who were on the working group to develop those proposals with Uefa.

“It made sense and was for the benefit of football clubs could operate within their own resources and it would bring about a limiting effect on player cost, in terms of transfers and wages.

“We are comfortable with it. The critical issue will be around implementation and the sanctions around that, and making sure that it is appropriately applied. But I do not think anyone can criticise the objective of ensuring that clubs operate within their own resources.”

How to guarantee compliance would be one of the biggest challenges of a new Premier League regulatory regime and this month Henry expressed his concerns about Uefa’s will to impose its own FFP regulations. But that view contrasts with recent Uefa actions.

The Court of Arbitration for Sport has upheld Uefa’s expulsion under financial fair play rules of Besiktas. The Turkish club will be banned from the next two European competitions for which it qualifies over the next five years.

The English top flight is the only league in the country not to have its own cost-restraint framework. Leagues One and Two have both implemented salary capping while the Championship has introduced a financial fair play system for this season based on the Uefa model. Championship clubs flouting Football League rules will be hit with a transfer embargo.
Re: City and Utd at conflict over FFP in today's Telegraph

Personally, I think FFP is an executive wet dream, as it FORCES salaries down and transfer fees down, which is the clubs major expense. In addition, it virtually guarantees that clubs have to have sustainable profitability. Well, if you are ALREADY ESTABLISHED as such a club, through your past glories and ability to reap exponentially greater revenues from Euro competitions and worldwide exposure from it, then why on earth would you NOT want to implement it. After all, it would cement your superior financial position, would it not?

The US model being proposed is ONLY about revenues from TV and who will get the lion's share of those revenues....labor or management. As we have seen for the last few years, this has led to strikes in nearly all major sports, as collective bargaining has been protracted so that owners can reap larger and larger profits.
Re: City and Utd at conflict over FFP in today's Telegraph

I find the fact that United and Chelsea, together are pushing this proposal, appallingly hypocritical. For years the rags, followed by Chelski buoyed by Roman's rubles have conspired to win silverware through tacit manipulation of the system in place (vague fiscal responsibility). My thinking is there will be several ways to "balance" the budget at City due to the vast wealth of our owner and the various business endeavors of himself and his immediate family. If Eithad Airways choose to invest 1 billion pounds in kit sponsorship, stadium naming rights and signage and various financial expendatures, how could the rest of the F.A. stop them? Would Mr. Gill be willing to cancel his contracts with Chevrolet and DHL? If Walmart decided to heavily invest in Arsenal through Kronike's pushing or the Boston Red Sox decided to bankroll Liverpool's acquisition of new players, would there be such a rush to FFP? I think not. I feel certain that regardless of what these "holier than thou" nitwits come up with to slow the City juggernaut, ADUG has the accountants and legal wherewithal to thwart them at every turn. Darwin wrote of survival of the fittest, I believe that will be the case here. Bluemoon is rising, long may it shine.
I am all for a salary cap in football so it really is fair. Calling it fair play when some clubs get champions league revenue, is a joke.
City and Utd at conflict over FFP in today's Telegraph

This, to me, is more worrying than the FFP issue in Europe. We know that whilst the rest of Europe will flout the rules, at home in the Uk we will apply them to the letter and beyond in order to be seen doing the right thing. I have not been too bothered by FFP up to now but see trouble ahead.
Re: City and Utd at conflict over FFP in today's Telegraph

Hart of the matter said:
This, to me, is more worrying than the FFP issue in Europe. We know that whilst the rest of Europe will flout the rules, at home in the Uk we will apply them to the letter and beyond in order to be seen doing the right thing. I have not been too bothered by FFP up to now but see trouble ahead.
Never underestimate the people that own our club.

Gill should choose his battles very carefully.
Re: City and Utd at conflict over FFP in today's Telegraph

Hart of the matter said:
This, to me, is more worrying than the FFP issue in Europe. We know that whilst the rest of Europe will flout the rules, at home in the Uk we will apply them to the letter and beyond in order to be seen doing the right thing. I have not been too bothered by FFP up to now but see trouble ahead.

I'm quite enjoying this. The fact that United are sufficently worried to go to the lengths of attempting to drive through rules which essentially award trophies on the basis of trading results give lie forever to any claims that their recent success is due to anything other than money.

That clubs like Fulham are prepared to support them shows that their owners have no aspirations to success on the field but are more interested in maintaining premier league status presumably to line their own pockets as best they can without actually winning anything. How long their fans will put up with that at £50 a pop is anybody's guess but it's the TV revenue that counts. Whether that will always be the case given the lack of competition inherent in the proposed rules is another matter

From our perspective, all we have to do is maintain our staus is Europe and we'll be "in the club". As others have said, a bit of creative accounting and we can get around any of these rules.
Football is global. This will drive players to find better salaries outside Europe. China, Brazil etc are on the rise. Soon, we will be unable to attract or keep the best. TV revenue will follow. Restrictive trade practices in a global economy are madness. Basic business practices of Speculate to accumulate will no longer be allowed. People want football run as a business ? Well many real businesses go bust. Football has always relied on external investment.

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