Previous UK government ‘covered up’ financial turmoil ahead of election

If you want something radically different, you should have voted for Corbyn.

The neo-liberal system is cemented in place, and all we can hope for is that the government of the day minimises the pain instead of exaggerating it.
That would have been far, far worse than Boris or Truss. And the main reason the 2019 election was Hobson's choise - Boris the Clown or a Market Reaction far, far worse than anything Truss conjured up.
That would have been far, far worse than Boris or Truss. And the main reason the 2019 election was Hobson's choise - Boris the Clown or a Market Reaction far, far worse than anything Truss conjured up.
Well then, you accept the political consensus and its consequences.
Endless austerity for the people. More and more 'incentives' for the 1%.
You cannot have it all ways and there are no magic solutions.

Labour is giving you what you want.
I wonder what the average public sector pay rise over the last 14 years works out at?

You see, you can persuade people to be squeezed for a year or two 'in the national interest'. Most are naive enough or tolerant enough to accept that. But do it for 14 years and there will be consequences.

BTW, how much do strikes cost? How much does a recruitment crisis cost, where you have to scour the world for immigrants to come in and work as cheap labour? Bury Council has been fetching in social workers from all manner of unlikely countries as they can't pay enough to attract the natives.

The laws of supply and demand work in the public sector too.
Public sector I do have some sympathy for regarding pay awards. I do think the Junior Doctors award was excessive based on the info below, just under 20% would have been more appropriate, particularly when you factor in the pension schemes which are just not available in the private sector.

And public sector doesn’t pay towards their pensions? The Labour Party got rid of final salary pension scheme in 2006, they changed the working pension age to 60 for frontline services, paying more working longer for less, which the tories then tried to change again illegally (I’m still waiting on tens of thousands that they owe me). Labour have given pay rise in-line with public sector recommendations something the tories always said that’s what you should get when people demanded more, so should Labour got against the pay review body? What does that say? You’d just end up with more strikes, cost more and waiting list go up. When you can’t get a doctor because you don’t pay them right go get private insurance it will cost you more than it would in tax to fund those pay rises. Maybe the fire service should charge you for coming out to a smell of smoke, they do in Ireland! Tory :the politics of selfishness, greed and apathetic
And what percentage of your salary does the government contribute to these pensions?
2 is a credit so reduces it. As does removing the WFA.

Health, Asylum (this is the part she says wasn’t fully understood), Rail and Ukraine are all down to policies they have inherited. If she’d done everything else and not increased public sector pay she’d have a £6-8bn black hole.

That’s not to say increasing public sector pay above the 2% budgeted for was wrong. I’m optimistic it might serve to boost private sector pay. Which in turn creates growth. I’m less taken with the 22% rise for junior doctors, not because they don’t necessarily deserve it but because it creates a baseline for other demands - and they are coming and it’s going to be very hard for the country to afford it without significant tax rises or cuts elsewhere.
Private sector pay increases are running at over 6%.
And what percentage of your salary does the government contribute to these pensions?
Well I was giving nearly 15%, employer was about 21%, that’s now changed to 13% and 11% by employer but ours is the highest of all public services.

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