Previous UK government ‘covered up’ financial turmoil ahead of election

Private sector pay increases are running at over 6%.
This is where average and median come into play, but I dont need to tell you that being an ex teacher. 5.6% is the average (see figures below) from the IDR for 3 months to May (latest data)...


The private sector includes CEO and board members who's pay increases have significantly outstripped that of ordinary workers. This brings the average up while the median is much lower.
As someone who has management responsibility for hundreds of professional employees in a very large engineering and consultancy business, I can assure you that salary increases are nearer 3.5% to 4% than 6%.
It can be dressed up how you like , they are all as bad as each other , always some **** got there hand in your pockets , pensions and savings , dastardly and mutley who now run this “country” are feathering their own nests , tripled their salaries over night. If you think anything will change with these idiots in charge then go and have a lie down , same for the tories , it’s propaganda bullshit , playing with vasts amounts of our money , and nothing will ever ever really change , woke Britain has been in full flow for 20’s a nanny state , thank fuck I won’t be alive to see it’s real demise in the next 30 years , over to the kids to change things in the future , it’s a country sinking under its own inadequate infrastructure, pumping sewage into lakes , the roads a fucking disgrace , councils spending on flower beds and pedestrians zones , the NHS fucked through too many people clambering for appointments, can’t get to see a dentist unless you pay through the nose , this is Britain , a shithole and getting worse year on year.
Do you actually believe that these were policies thought up in the last three weeks, or something that was kept from the public before the election.

Seems ever man and his dog knew of the black hole (Harry Redknapps dog especially), economists were openly warning of it. The shadow chancellor apparently knew nothing, and brought in something that Thatcher would have been proud of, and would have excoriated the blue team had they done the same thing !
Agree, all knew it was bad but simply pointing out to you that Labour did not have the full picture until they got in office.
Didn't say they were. Give your eyes a rub.
I gave mine a rub a long long time ago mate , for me being a business owner 25% corporation tax was the final straw for me , let’s put up the minimum wage whether a company can afford it or not , let’s see if Labour do any different, if anything they will increase it , it will be one more person claiming benefits in my company if the do , but we are paying for it anyway , so who gives a fuck
How about reducing corporation tax to say 15% and increase the minimum wage to £15 an hour , it gets my favour , encourage businesses to promote staff security through individual wealth
As if taxes wouldn't have risen regardless of whoever won the election. 14 years of utter and inept shit to sort out.
What can’t be underestimated is the effect and debt this country suffered through covid , an immediate black hole of gigantic proportions that we will all pay for for decades to come - life changed as we know since then , how companies now operate , has the way we do things gone back to pre-covid days ? No , never will , everybody , personally , and business wise now operate in a completely different way , automated bullshit is the norm , we all press buttons to communicate, herded like fucking sheep in supermarkets, online booking systems with no reductions in the costs for the consumer doing all the work , the NHS a complete fucking disgrace with more money floating about in it than ever before , departments with assistants , deputy assistants , all swilling out of the trough paid for by the tax payer , I can personally show and prove how much the NHS waste on fancy office buildings , money no object on exuberant office facilities and luxuries , over the top materials used for basically sitting at a desk all day doing there “jobs”.
Anyway rant over , this country is fucked , and you know what ? I couldn’t care a shite.

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