Previous UK government ‘covered up’ financial turmoil ahead of election

As stated, the fans appear out of the woodwork to emulsion over any gaslighting by their favourite colour rosette party. :-)

Not much of a shadow chancellor if she didn't know. This is the equivalent of the 'no money left' note. Nothing more, nothing less, it has been planned to push the blame for X amount of years just as the note was.

May I refer you to Tony Blairs dodgy dossier, and the costs of it ?
Tories are lying to your face and you're still sucking them off.
Tories are lying to your face and you're still sucking them off.
Don't be a dick, I neither supoport, nor trust the blue team, or the red team. I have a healthy distrust of all politicians, and anyone who aspires to be one !

Or don't you see the blame game that they play time after time ?
Are you saying you don’t believe the Chancellor, IFS or OBR?
Do you actually believe that these were policies thought up in the last three weeks, or something that was kept from the public before the election.

Seems ever man and his dog knew of the black hole (Harry Redknapps dog especially), economists were openly warning of it. The shadow chancellor apparently knew nothing, and brought in something that Thatcher would have been proud of, and would have excoriated the blue team had they done the same thing !
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Do you actually believe that these were policies thought up in the last three weeks, or something that was kept from the public before the election.

Seems ever man and his dog knew of the black hole (Harry Redknapps dog especially), economists were openly warning of it. The shadow chancellor apparently knew nothing, and brought in something that Thatcher would have been proud of, and would have excoriated the blue team had they done the same thing !
The numbers that were put out to the various financial bods were lies , there was loads hidden as they have confirmed
The numbers that were put out to the various financial bods were lies , there was loads hidden as they have confirmed
So you want a chancellor that goes with knee jerk reactions, and punches down at easy targets ?

Or is it OK just because it's the red team ?
Oh grow up
What will you think if it's PIP, or it's associated benefits that they hit next.

Will you still be happy because it's the red team doing it ?

You do realise that you don't have to support everything they do, it's alright to say that it is a crap policy decision, and still vote for them.
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It's actually fucking laughable that anyone can think claims of some cover up is possible when everyman and his dog knew the shit we are in lol.

Labour surprised my arse and it's just an excuse for them to push their rather right wing policies on the public whilst trying to con you it's not really their fault.

Austerity and tax rises will be the order of the day.
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