Price of beer in Dublin pubs

I'm not gone on the stuff, to be honest. I don't hate it; it doesn't make me vomit. It's just "meh". In my opinion*

*Other opinions are available

It's a thing really I can't stand it at all either, whilst it holds 30% of the market share in Ireland that's probably down to tourists drinking half a pint of it before realising it's an acquired taste.
It's a thing really I can't stand it at all either, whilst it holds 30% of the market share in Ireland that's probably down to tourists drinking half a pint of it before realising it's an acquired taste.
All the older locals down here drink the stuff. The younger crowd tend to go for fancy lagers, with a lump of lemon stuck in the neck of the bottle.
Bargain for the Norwegians, Danish and Swiss.
Bloody hell!
1988 a group of us went to Denmark and we were paying something like 25p for a bottle of beer in the supermarket.
We went out one night to a bar in Aalborg, 4 of us, we go in and order four beers, the same bottles we were paying the equivalent of 25p for in the supermarket.
I had an unjust reputation for being a bit of a tight git, so I said I'd buy the first round assuming it would be the cheapest round I've ever bought!
The server came back with the 4 beers and a receipt for 100 Danish Krona - which was £10.
The other 3 were pissing themselves when they saw my face drop and when we had drank up and I said "whose round is it next?" the reply was "I'll get the next round from the supermarket on the way home" and off we all got up and left.
If it was £2.50 a bottle thirty-six years ago, I'd dread to think how much it is now!
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All the older locals down here drink the stuff. The younger crowd tend to go for fancy lagers, with a lump of lemon stuck in the neck of the bottle.

I used to drink lager and lime when I first went pubbing it, I have progressed to the water melon cocktail at M&S with a wedge of Melon on the rim of the glass and a Willy Wonka straw.
I used to drink lager and lime when I first went pubbing it, I have progressed to the water melon cocktail at M&S with a wedge of Melon on the rim of the glass and a Willy Wonka straw.
I meant lime. Don't know what the fuck I was thinking of, saying lemon. Probably wasn't thinking, to be honest.

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