Just make sure when the Doctor is sticking his finger up your ricker that he doesn’t have both his hands on your shoulders.
In all seriousness I know
@A57 the snake story as a friend of mine who had been through the situation was in touch when he was first diagnosed so best wishes to all of you on here going through this horrible disease.
In our golf group of about 25 lads we’ve got three who have had or got PC, two of them diagnosed in their mid 50’s and one late 50’s, my best pal who I sit with at the match was 56 when he was told he had cancer and there was no point removing his prostate as it had already spread to his pelvis. He thought he had a couple of years, after radiotherapy and hormone treatment (gave him oestrogen therapy) he’s still here over 9 years later and has become a Granddad twice in that time, 65 in a couple of months time.
Get tested lads, it’s so important, you leave your dignity at the doorstep when you go to the Doctor’s, they’ve seen it all before and there’s nothing to be embarrassed about.