PSG Away Ticket details - Update now 2,200 tickets available

My experiences of three Supporters club branches is they are long term blues with season tickets but none of them pay £50 a season for double points.

Branches also are very much restricted in their allocation of 'contentious' matches and in the branches I have experience of, not all members go to away matches, and go to meetings to meet and talk City with fellow Blues and listen to the memories of people like Glyn Pardoe who nearly died as a result of a tackle by Best about 40 years ago, something the BlueMoaners will be unaware of.

Sorry to pop the bubble of an urban myth heavily promoted on here.
I don't think a branch that used to be one of the most active has even had a meeting this season. A lot of that is down to being able to get suitable guests but I bet they're still getting ticket for games.
Why? Corporates get their perks at home games and why should a group of blues meeting in a pub get any special treatment when it comes to tickets? The technology is there for members of supporters clubs to order tickets online and be seated together, if that's so important to them.

And your earlier point about Norwich is a complete non-sequitur. A televised midday kick-off at Norwich priced t £50 just after a Wembley final was always unlikely to sell out, supporters clubs or no supporters clubs.

Come off it PB! The Corporates will want perks for aways now the administration of our Club has set precedents with "City in the City" for Chelski away etc! I agree with you that the Club shouldn't have set such a precedent and then Corporates may have been satisfied with their "perks" at the Etihad!

For Supporters Club members, there has to be some compensation for usually being given the worst tickets in the away end that are often sent out from the Club at the last minute! Maybe that could also include not having to traipse across Cities for Champs League aways to pick up tickets - an idea you seem surprisingly keen on.

We sold out for the, "He want to at golf" (Tevez hattruck) lunchtime kick off at Norwich a few years ago. There were very big Supporter Club Club followings that day. The Supporter Club bashing is encouraging members to be more selective in the games that they go to - hence the reduced following. Wembley, as you say, was anfactir but it wasn't the only one!
That's Norwich sold out next season then ;-)

I remember when a lot of people from Norwich used to support Liverpool. Credit to the carrot crunchers that they largely support their home town Club these days!

I am hoping that Norwich stay in the top flight as its my favourite away trip. Here's to a sell out next season!
Thanks. We could do with more Supporters Clubs and it was good to hear the other week that the Norwich SC is getting off the ground!
It is a good sign of our support spreading - it must be all those JCL's in Dubai etc joining for the 'free' tickets or whatever dirty tricks we are supposed to play on the Great and Good.
For Supporters Club members, there has to be some compensation for usually being given the worst tickets in the away end that are often sent out from the Club at the last minute! Maybe that could also include not having to traipse across Cities for Champs League aways to pick up tickets - an idea you seem surprisingly keen on
As East Level 2 pointed out, we have a Friends & Family system these days so it's really not difficult for members of Supporters clubs to order whatever tickets they want, wherever they want them. And given the arguments on this thread, whether anyone likes it or not, I can certainly see the benefit of a system that ensures that tickets for away games that are heavily in demand only end up in the hands of the people entitled to those tickets and who have bought them.

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