PSG ticket prices - Protest options v West Brom.

Surely that's a role for the Supporters Club
They have a line of communication with the club so why aren't they making the points for the fans?

The supporters clubs don't give a flying fuck, their priority is having access to tickets, if being critical of the club's pricing policy meant risking their access to tickets they wouldn't go near it. And they don't.

You can see this with Kevin Parker's pathetically meek and noncommittal fence sitting comments about this issue when approached for comment by the MEN today.

If he's our figurehead then we're completely and utterly fucked.

Why would someone who likes getting his mug on the telly and in the papers as a non offensive go-to rent-a-quote, someone who has a cosy relationship with the club, being invited to suit and tie club events as a guest, give a toss about the little people if doing so meant risking all that?

We have no-one truly representing us at present, we're more or less confined and contained to a little corner of the internet, and that's how the club likes it, clearly.

We're all divided and looking out for ourselves, the people that purport to represent our best interests never did or have sold out.

Points of Blue was binned for a reason.
Has tomorrow actually sold out yet? The OS implies that there are still some tickets available. Has the boycott begun early?
The supporters clubs don't give a flying fuck, their priority is having access to tickets, if being critical of the club's pricing policy meant risking their access to tickets they wouldn't go near it. And they don't.

You can see this with Kevin Parker's pathetically meek and noncommittal fence sitting comments about this issue when approached for comment by the MEN today.

If he's our figurehead then we're completely and utterly fucked.

Why would someone who likes getting his mug on the telly and in the papers as a non offensive go-to rent-a-quote, someone who has a cosy relationship with the club, being invited to suit and tie club events as a guest, give a toss about the little people if doing so meant risking all that?

We have no-one truly representing us at present, we're more or less confined and contained to a little corner of the internet, and that's how the club likes it, clearly.

We're all divided and looking out for ourselves, the people that purport to represent our best interests never did or have sold out.

Points of Blue was binned for a reason.
I couldn't agree more
But we have loads of supporters club sycophants on here telling us how brilliant they are. About time they put their money where their mouth is and get this organised and take the club on.
Otherwise what's the point in having them?
It is a two tier supporting system, fans who get tickets on their own merit and supporters clubs. There needs to be some sort of supporters union not the self interest club.
I couldn't agree more
But we have loads of supporters club sycophants on here telling us how brilliant they are. About time they put their money where their mouth is and get this organised and take the club on.
Otherwise what's the point in having them?

Can't rely on the supporters clubs for anything but to protect their own vested interests, and horde tickets to their mates.

Kevin Parker, diamond studded earrings and all, is the poster boy for that cosy relationship. Doesn't seem like he works from payday to payday either, so I doubt he gives a fuck on any personal level, and that's all he's motivated by, clearly.

This is the point I've made to @Ric previously, he owns the biggest City forum on the net, that's a lot of influence he could potentially wield if he had the will to do so.

I worry that the club might have been getting a bit cosy with Ric too, in all honesty. Won't lie.

We do need someone to take the lead on issues like this. To be honest, I've thought of doing so myself. But it'd be better for someone who already held a degree of influence to begin with, IMO. I'd certainly take part in anything proactive that is suggested. I'd take an active role.

I don't know, I think this is something we should all be speaking about. Discussing ideas, gauging opinions on things we could do to raise our discontent with the club, protests etc.

Complaining about shit online never achieved anything. If we want to enact change, to do what's best for all of us, as a collective, then we have to do something tangible.

We're not as powerless as some have suggested we are. There just has to be a will to come together and do what's best for the future of the club, before it's too late.
This is the point I've made to @Ric previously, he owns the biggest City forum on the net, that's a lot of influence he could potentially wield if he had the will to do so.

I worry that the club might have been getting a bit cosy with Ric too, in all honesty. Won't lie

Yes, you raised it previously and I didn't appreciate then being told what I should be doing, particularly by someone who doesn't know me.

As mentioned last time, I have more important issues going on. We're dealing with a family bereavement, so could do without my integrity being questioned by someone I've never even met.
Yes, you raised it previously and I didn't appreciate then being told what I should be doing, particularly by someone who doesn't know me.

As mentioned last time, I have more important issues going on. We're dealing with a family bereavement, so could do without my integrity being questioned by someone I've never even met.

My apologies mate, you didn't elaborate last time this came up, and part of me took it as a dismissal. Like you said, I don't know you personally, so I can only go off the impression I get online.

I hope you recognise that I'm coming from the right place though, it's not my intent to potentially upset you at a delicate time. Hope there was no harm done.
No but all I'm saying is you guys are lucky to not be season ticket holder to a sports team in New York. You'd crap your pants if you saw the price of my tickets for the New York Rangers. (A hockey team for all you damn Europeans :) )

I paid $150 to watch NYR back in 97, over £100 to watch one game nearly 20 years ago!

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