Watch the film "The Big Short" and you'' see why the 2008 crash happened.
It was not done on purpose. The banks and top 1% men were just cutting these amazingly shit fairytale methods to earn themselves an absolutely eye watering amount of money. That's what they control, they probably/maybe aren't out to 'get us' all, but they are only interested in their own wealth and anyone else is just a side issue, an under-issue that they don't care about. But they were too fucking stupid to realise how flimsy (and criminal) their methods were and the World's economy crashed... yet none of the people responsible were held accountable. All the fucking crooks got away with it! Why do you think that was?
Also watch the BBC documentary called "HYPERNORMALISATION", it's absolutely brilliant.
(it's not your average 30 minute Panorama programme, it's about three hours long though so get yourself a free night)
I’ve seen The Big Short.
Very good film and you’re agreeing with exactly my point.
It was them being greedy rather than a sinister conspiracy.