Queen Elizabeth II

When Diana was killed someone came up to me the following day — a French lady — and offered me her condolences. I said to her, as courteously as I know how, “Look, I know what you're saying comes from a good place, but she wasn't a friend of mine, and she wasn't a member of my family. It's always tragic when a young woman and mother gets killed in a car crash. I'm sincerely sorry for her children. But I am not, personally, mourning.”
Frankly, that's still pretty much my position today. Let those for whom the Queen meant a lot — and I respect them — mourn in their way. She's been around as long as I have, because she was crowned in 1953, the year I was born. It's going to be strange without her, and stranger still with Charles at the helm. But also, interesting.
I get she's died and it is a great loss, but do we really need wall to wall 24 hour coverage on every channel. How much more can you speak of one person. Netflix for me for the next 9 days days.
Yeah there's nothing I'd prefer more than to be watching Homes Under The Hammer right now.....

For gods sake many people are feeling a loss, look at the hundreds of thousands at Buckingham Palace. You might not be feeling a loss but it's not all about you. The media and the institutions we depend upon are all underpinned by the Queen and now she has died.

Some people have given their lives defending the country, swearing an allegiance to the Queen and what that stands for. Just a tiny bit of respect for a short period is all that's required and then we can go back to watching Jeremy Kyle or whatever shite is seemingly more important.
Like? She was a figurehead, with no political power to speak of.

Exactly, which is why I find it bizarre there are now people saying she was at fault for things or that she was the greatest ever Briton.

I don't get those who hate the Queen/Royal Family and I also don't get those that cry and talk about her like she was their actual Grandmother.

Those saying the country and the royal family will unravel are just being emotional.

She'll get a great send off and in a few months time everyone will have moved on and the world will keep turning.
For god sake many people are feeling a loss, look at the hundreds of thousands at Buckingham Palace. You might not be feeling a loss but it's not all about you

Wanting to carry on about your normal day to day life isn't making it all about you. It's about not wanting to make it all about someone else.

Just because you don't want to watch Homes Under the Hammer, it doesn't mean others shouldn't be able to. Do you not see the irony in what you're saying?

There's no need to burden other people with your mourning because nobody is stopping you and like minded people from feeling that way, certainly not Dion Dublin.
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