Mmm some food for thought. The frailty of human consciousness is laid bare on social media. So many angles, so many people with vested interests, so many nut jobs.
Watch or don’t watch. Grieve or don’t grieve.
Very simple choices. The media machine in all
It’s glory. If you don’t tow the line you will not survive in this industry nor indeed be welcome. That line is particularly important. Mcfc as a club can attest to such shenanigans.
We all know the world has/is entering a shit period.
We all know that politicians are useless cunts.
We all know the deflection techniques used by those in control to control.
We all watch to a certain extent but do nothing to change the landscape.
I took in a Brian cox show recently and the fragility of our world is mirrored in our society. We all plod along trying our best. The queen tried her best and I can respect her life. Everything else that accompanies such a spectacle is not of any real significance.
The human mind will continue to distort reality using social media. The fighting and deep routed views will be upheld by all sides.
All aboard captain….