Queen Elizabeth II

I agreed with his post in many ways. I went out with some friends last night and didn't observe anything other than a normal Saturday night out. There were no tears, everyone was in a good mood, laughing and joking as normal, and between the four of us, the Queens death was never mentioned. Not once.

I went out for a ride today, stopped at a cafe, then went home via the supermarket, and life appeared the same as usual.

I personally don't feel that affected by her passing. I've watched some of the coverage on TV but it's more of an interest in the constitutional traditions associated with the change of monarch than anything else.

I've lost close family members over the years. I'm as sorry as I always am when I hear someone has died, but learning the Queen had died pales into insignificance when I recall the affect the loss of those I truly loved had on me.
Of course life goes on as normal but out of 4 people not one of you brought up one of the most significant chapters in our recent history ? I find that incredible, a royalist or not surely it would have been mentioned ?
Haha! Yes, I have. Every day, including all day Saturday, all day Sunday. On Ramsbottom's high street yesterday they literally had a black pudding throwing competition going on. Some fairground rides for kids too. Streets were lined with people. We stood about watching it for ages. Hundreds of families out. Everyone fine. I was out in Ribble Valley for my birthday on Saturday too. No mentions of the royal family heard in either place. People having a laugh everywhere. Couldn't be more normal. Dunno where you live, but it's certainly nothing like mournful where I've been. Just a standard weekend.
So you didn't speak to anyone then...
As part of my job I deal and work with a lot of people who you’d describe as being very left wing. I’d describe my own politics as being liberal and modern, too. I had an EU flag flying from my living room window in 2016!

But over the last few days I’ve seen some awful, cruel things being said on social media and around my workplace. Really inappropriate nasty stuff. And those on the left are supposed to be the nice, tolerant ones?

It’s all quite upsetting and overwhelming to be honest. The last time I saw such horrible things on social media was during brexit.

I’m not even a flag waving royalist. I just think people should have a bit of respect and understanding.

It’s like unless you’re a Corbyn supporting “hang them all!” socialist your opinions and feelings aren’t valid, and you’re somehow fair game to be subjected to piss taking and bullying.

I’m trying not to engage but it’s very hard. These people live in a radical left wing bubble and lots of them don’t understand that there’s a whole world and spectrum of valid opinions beyond their own.

I don’t even want to go into work today it’s that poisonous.
Ring in sick, says its stress or the upset caused by people in the workplace

Any decent place would take that into account, it might highlight the culture of the organisation

Or it could just be because as a country we are now a cesspit.

I wonder which political party led the way on that one.
I know this is going to upset people, so I'd rather those people ignore this post (should be easy then!).

I think she was a somewhat decent person with flaws, torn between family and duty with no say in what happens in politics, but there ARE people that feel like Trevor Sinclair.

You have been warned...

Feel like Trevor Sinclair, the racist hypocrite?

He moaned about racism being outlawed since the 60s and linked it to the Queen and black/brown people not mourning her death (when the two have got nowt to do with each other… I’m also not mourning, by the way), when he’s been charged for being a racist before now.

Nobody should be paying any attention to what he’s said.

Having the funeral on a Monday and calling it a Bank Holiday wasn't a great idea from a business point of view. Its so late in the day to rearrange things, aside from the billions it will cost the country. Common sense dictated it should have been on a Sunday or not a BH.
He said
Every word he said is correct. I'm yet to meet a single person who is that bothered. Even my missus, who was a fan of the Queen, said she thinks it's been sensationalised. The BBC's coverage over this has been an outrage; flagrant propaganda.

I don't doubt that some are, but frankly, I'd consider the majority that are to be well on their way to being considered "old" and have grown up surrounded by this deifying of one woman who ostensibly did nothing to change people's lives.
Every word he said is correct. I'm yet to meet a single person who is that bothered. Even my missus, who was a fan of the Queen, said she thinks it's been sensationalised. The BBC's coverage over this has been an outrage; flagrant propaganda.

I don't doubt that some are, but frankly, I'd consider the majority that are to be well on their way to being considered "old" and have grown up surrounded by this deifying of one woman who ostensibly did nothing to change people's lives.
He said 'no one mentioned it' which is bullshit because the vast majority do discuss it whether in a positive or negative slant...
So you didn't speak to anyone then...

Ha! Absolutely loads of people. Me and my wife are very chatty people. Really nice community spirit where we live too. Neighbours talk to each other, people do in shops etc. Not a single soul brought it up. On Thursday yes, but since... genuinely not one.

Edit - I tell a lie. Passed a guy in the street that I know and I did the cursory 'you alright mate?' to which he said he wishes he was at the Wigan Blackburn game as he's a rovers fan, but you know...it was cancelled. That's it.
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Of course life goes on as normal but out of 4 people not one of you brought up one of the most significant chapters in our recent history ? I find that incredible, a royalist or not surely it would have been mentioned ?

You seem to struggle to comprehend that for a lot of people it's just not an interesting talking beyond 'aww that's sad' and that's it. Lots of us did that on Thursday, then forgot about it and moved on on Friday. You don't have to like that, and I'm sorry if anyone finds it disrespectful, but that's genuinely a feeling that many share. The only way the queen was mentioned to me post Thursday was a friend of mine moaning about football being cancelled.
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I’ve read some crap on here these last few days, but this is up there with the best. You’ve obviously not been out of the house and since last Wednesday.
I was in my shop on thursday, friday and saturday last week. Probably had about a hundred customers and only one mentioned the Queens death.
You seem to struggle to comprehend that for a lot of people it's just not an interesting talking beyond 'aww that's sad' and that's it. Lots of us did that on Thursday, then forgot about it and moved on on Friday. You don't have to like that, and I'm sorry if anyone finds it disrespectful, but that's a genuinely feeling that many share. The only way the queen was mentioned to me post Thursday was a friend of mine moaning about football being cancelled.
Most people don't care about a lot of things in this country and occupy themselves with their family and friends and the little things in life. One in three of us don't even bother to vote. But that still doesn't mean that the death of the Queen isn't the biggest thing to happen in our country since the end of WWII. There wont be another event like this that gathers people and world leaders in our lifetimes. There are likely to be 2million people descending on London in the next week.

Suggesting no one is bothered because you haven't talked about it, doesn't render it a non event, It will be largest event the UK is likely to see and possibly the world in so far as world leaders gathering to show their respects to someone they held in very high esteem. That is just the way it is.

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