Queen Elizabeth II

You seem to struggle to comprehend that for a lot of people it's just not an interesting talking beyond 'aww that's sad' and that's it. Lots of us did that on Thursday, then forgot about it and moved on on Friday. You don't have to like that, and I'm sorry if anyone finds it disrespectful, but that's genuinely a feeling that many share. The only way the queen was mentioned to me post Thursday was a friend of mine moaning about football being cancelled.
I think you can't comprehend that it is of interest to a lot of people, if it's no interest to you fine, but why do you insist on posting shite on a subject you don't give a hoot about ? You are doing yourself no favours.
You seem to struggle to comprehend that for a lot of people it's just not an interesting talking beyond 'aww that's sad' and that's it. Lots of us did that on Thursday, then forgot about it and moved on on Friday. You don't have to like that, and I'm sorry if anyone finds it disrespectful, but that's genuinely a feeling that many share. The only way the queen was mentioned to me post Thursday was a friend of mine moaning about football being cancelled.
So 4 friends meet up, they've not seen them since the Queen has passed and no one mentions it AT ALL ? I find that hard to believe, don't you ?
Haha! Yes, I have. Every day, including all day Saturday, all day Sunday. On Ramsbottom's high street yesterday they literally had a black pudding throwing competition going on. Some fairground rides for kids too. Streets were lined with people. We stood about watching it for ages. Hundreds of families out. Everyone fine. I was out in Ribble Valley for my birthday on Saturday too. No mentions of the royal family heard in either place. People having a laugh everywhere. Couldn't be more normal. Dunno where you live, but it's certainly nothing like mournful where I've been. Just a standard weekend.

What are you expecting? People to be crying there eyes out Infront of you or constantly talking about it?

Of course people are going to carry on as normal. After most huge events the majority of people carry on as normal.

You’ve walked past people and not heard them talking about the queen - that means no one’s talking about it? One of the most talked about events in decades, but apparently no one cares to even mention it where you live. Come off it.

My grandma died and two days later I had to go into work and carry out meetings as normal. Know one would know I was sad or upset about it. Going off what your saying people are only sad or mournful if it’s visible..
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As part of my job I deal and work with a lot of people who you’d describe as being very left wing. I’d describe my own politics as being liberal and modern, too. I had an EU flag flying from my living room window in 2016!

But over the last few days I’ve seen some awful, cruel things being said on social media and around my workplace. Really inappropriate nasty stuff. And those on the left are supposed to be the nice, tolerant ones?

It’s all quite upsetting and overwhelming to be honest. The last time I saw such horrible things on social media was during brexit.

I’m not even a flag waving royalist. I just think people should have a bit of respect and understanding.

It’s like unless you’re a Corbyn supporting “hang them all!” socialist your opinions and feelings aren’t valid, and you’re somehow fair game to be subjected to piss taking and bullying.

I’m trying not to engage but it’s very hard. These people live in a radical left wing bubble and lots of them don’t understand that there’s a whole world and spectrum of valid opinions beyond their own.

I don’t even want to go into work today it’s that poisonous.
Left wing or right wing, somewhere in the middle, honestly the nasty, dismissive stuff I've seen posted by people on social media really has got me wondering if there is any semblance of respect left for human life and loss of life. Were all too busy to care if anyone outside our immediate family dies, too busy to stop and be silent, too wrapped up in our own lives to care at all, if we can't care about Someone in death then we can't really care about them in life and It really makes me sad.
Left wing or right wing, somewhere in the middle, honestly the nasty, dismissive stuff I've seen posted by people on social media really has got me wondering if there is any semblance of respect left for human life and loss of life. Were all too busy to care if anyone outside our immediate family dies, too busy to stop and be silent, too wrapped up in our own lives to care at all, if we can't care about Someone in death then we can't really care about them in life and It really makes me sad.
Social media brings out the worst in a few people. The attention seekers looking to offend and thus gain a reaction. They can hide behind the anonymity of the Internet, but wouldn't dare show their face or express these sentiments in public in real life. Its a great pity.
Well, on a brighter note, I read that Prince Andrew is taking over the Queen's corgis and dorgis, or is that doggies.

Apparently, Andy ex, Sarah, often when out with the Queen walking the dogs. That bastard Witchell ne'er mentioned any of that!

Dorgi is a corgi/dachshund cross, I think. I think they're an attempt to get round nasty genetic issues that corgis have.

There are 2 of them, and apparently Andrew and Sarah gave them to the Queen last year. Doesn't seem unreasonable for them to take them back.
Social media brings out the worst in a few people. The attention seekers looking to offend and thus gain a reaction. They can hide behind the anonymity of the Internet, but wouldn't dare show their face or express these sentiments in public in real life. Its a great pity.

Yep. It also means everyone feels compelled to give their opinion on everything, which is fine to an extent, it’s what forums like this exist for, but it can lead to a lack of empathy very quickly.

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