Queen Elizabeth II

Folk are calling her a great leader. I’m asking what did she actually change for her subjects through her great leadership
People are calling her a great leader? Iv not seen that tbh.

I know people have said she was a good queen, represented the country well, is a pull for foreign dignatories (much more than king Charles will be imo)

But what do you want her to have done? Fought a war? Changed or economy for the better? Got an example? I mean she isn't a politician.
Any parliamentary reform for the progressives will surely result in modernisation and slimming down of the monarchy. When tourists visit buck palace they don’t meet the queen. They will still visit the sites. This last week has felt like an eastenders omnibus on repeat.

Depends what you think they’re there for. Without the monarchy, somewhere like Buckingham Palace would probably get more visitors as they open more of it up.

You wouldn’t get days like yesterday though.
Not very democratic is it.

If there were any inkling of a want to get rid of the monarchy I would agree that it needs talking about at the highest level, there is no evidence that this is the case.

We might as well have a discussion on stopping cheese from melting when it gets hot.
During my life I have known a few people who I have considered as "backstops", i.e. someone I could go to with a problem and know that I would get good non-judgemental advice. Although I have never needed them it has always been a comfort to me to know that they were there and I have felt a particular loss when they died. The monarchy as we have it have little actual powers and rarely use those powers which remain. They have during the Queen's reign been a source of non-partizan advice to Governments. A bit like my "backstops". Royalty has its faults but a republic with either a political or celebrity president would I believe be less satisfactory than the current constitutional arrangement. Of course the monarchy must be careful to maintain the standard set by Queen Elizabeth II.
If there were any inkling of a want to get rid of the monarchy I would agree that it needs talking about at the highest level, there is no evidence that this is the case.

We might as well have a discussion on stopping cheese from melting when it gets hot.
I think the cheese bit is Liz Truss's area of expertise.
Don't think I've ever felt less British than these last 10 days - not since brexit (although back then I felt more disgusted, whereas this time it's feelings of frustration and fascination).

Seeing the majority of the country genuinely mourn a person they've never met and who didn't know them, with some happy to queue for 14 hours just to pay their respects.
The insistence that she led a hard life when in fact she's had it easier than 99.9% of anyone who ever lived.
The attacking of anyone who doesn't show the same deference or 'respect'.
All of this with the need to pat ourselves on the back for 'doing pomp and ceremony better than anyone in the world' , at a time of financial crisis, as if it's something envied by every other country.

I genuinely can't understand the mentality behind it all. She was no better or worse than any of us, so why are so many happy to elevate her and her family above them? Is the idea of being a peasant so drilled into our national identity? It blows my tiny little mind
I feel so sad today, worse than felt during the period of mourning. The last 11 days have seen the British public at their very best and the tributes and honour and love shown to her have been uplifting and joyous. Yesterday was a wonderful spectacle done with pomp and majesty carried out by and watched by people who wanted it to be befitting of our Queen, it was all carried out with love and respect and for the first time in long time I've felt proud to be English.

But when I switched the TV on this morning and everything was back to normal, the finality of it all hit me hard.

She's gone and it makes me so sad.
Do you mean futility rather than finality?

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