Racism is racism

bobby chariots said:
there's a lot of people skating on the thin ice here, and Im sorry I misread an oh so eloquent post, but I think the argument of 'we cant call anyone anything anymore' is the last bastion of a bigot.
Skating on thin ice? Care to elaborate?

Apology accepted though I now know you have the mental capacity of a slow worm. I shall always keep it in mind and avoid overly complicated points.

As for your last sentence, <a class="postlink" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man</a> that is the sum total of your point.
bobby chariots said:
there's a lot of people skating on the thin ice here, and Im sorry I misread an oh so eloquent post, but I think the argument of 'we cant call anyone anything anymore' is the last bastion of a bigot.
i knew this would come i fucking knew it.
people just cant help themselves.
have you ever called anyone a name in your life? or you 100% unbigoted?
i called the paper boy a nobhead before because he walked out in front of my car and i nearly knocked the little prick over.....oops there we go again. mr bigot called people pricks and nobheads.

Vienna_70 said:
SWP's back said:
prairiemoon said:
Racism is a prejudice, you agree? Then do not try to qualify it as something else.
Yes but fat **** is prejudice but not illegal or racist either.

Argie **** is not clever but nor is it racist or illegal.

-- Sun Apr 01, 2012 4:09 pm --

uwerosler28 said:
This is called xenophobia
No it's fucking not.

Can people please fucking read up before commenting.

Xenophobia is defined as "an unreasonable fear of foreigners or strangers or of that which is foreign or strange."

So Argie or Irish **** is not xenophobia as it's not a case of hating or fearing all foreigners at all.

Of course it's xenophobia. Where in your definition of xenophobia, does it say ALL foreigners?
That would mean that, in the case of the OP, Tevez was labelled a **** on the grounds solely of his nationality and the fact that he is foreign. As opposed to him being labelled a **** due to his behaviour. Something I cannot believe for one moment. I would also state that the word "Argie" is descriptive as opposed to pejorative.
goatinho said:
i fuckin despair at some people these days.
argie ****
spanish twat
french fucker
who gives a fuck
who is it hurting?
do you really think tevez/ballotelli/any one with even one bollock would take offence to it?
call me an english twat , or for that matter a fucking honky i really do not give a fuck.
get over it.
are we allowed to call any one anything these days with out someone taking offence to it (which usually isnt even the person being called!)
can we call some ones mum a slag?
can we call some one a spotty twat?
big nose?
fat arse?
what if we dont like someone? are we not allowed to say anything in case we offend them?
"excuse me sir but i really dont like you" is that ok????
fuck me some people really are mard arses

Your argument is a valid one in principle. However, in the UK the public order act and other laws stopping offensive language in public and towards others are laws that we have to abide by. It's as simple as that really. If you don't like it then there's nothing physically stopping you speaking your mind but if someone does take offence, then you could be in trouble.

Let me put it another way, if you saw a 6'5 Spaniard built like a brick outhouse and a kung fu expert and you didn't like him, would you call him a Spanish twat to his face?
Franny Lee's Barrel Chest said:
goatinho said:
i fuckin despair at some people these days.
argie ****
spanish twat
french fucker
who gives a fuck
who is it hurting?
do you really think tevez/ballotelli/any one with even one bollock would take offence to it?
call me an english twat , or for that matter a fucking honky i really do not give a fuck.
get over it.
are we allowed to call any one anything these days with out someone taking offence to it (which usually isnt even the person being called!)
can we call some ones mum a slag?
can we call some one a spotty twat?
big nose?
fat arse?
what if we dont like someone? are we not allowed to say anything in case we offend them?
"excuse me sir but i really dont like you" is that ok????
fuck me some people really are mard arses

Your argument is a valid one in principle. However, in the UK the public order act and other laws stopping offensive language in public and towards others are laws that we have to abide by. It's as simple as that really. If you don't like it then there's nothing physically stopping you speaking your mind but if someone does take offence, then you could be in trouble.

Let me put it another way, if you saw a 6'5 Spaniard built like a brick outhouse and a kung fu expert and you didn't like him, would you call him a Spanish twat to his face?
Depends on the situation but probably.
goatinho said:
bobby chariots said:
there's a lot of people skating on the thin ice here, and Im sorry I misread an oh so eloquent post, but I think the argument of 'we cant call anyone anything anymore' is the last bastion of a bigot.
i knew this would come i fucking knew it.
people just cant help themselves.
have you ever called anyone a name in your life? or you 100% unbigoted?
i called the paper boy a nobhead before because he walked out in front of my car and i nearly knocked the little prick over.....oops there we go again. mr bigot called people pricks and nobheads.


yeah you're right, we cant call anyone anything anymore.
Franny Lee's Barrel Chest said:
And what would you do if he broke several bones in your body and made you drink soup for the rest of your life?
Then he would have committed a far worse offence than I.<br /><br />-- Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:05 pm --<br /><br />
bobby chariots said:
goatinho said:
bobby chariots said:
there's a lot of people skating on the thin ice here, and Im sorry I misread an oh so eloquent post, but I think the argument of 'we cant call anyone anything anymore' is the last bastion of a bigot.
i knew this would come i fucking knew it.
people just cant help themselves.
have you ever called anyone a name in your life? or you 100% unbigoted?
i called the paper boy a nobhead before because he walked out in front of my car and i nearly knocked the little prick over.....oops there we go again. mr bigot called people pricks and nobheads.


yeah you're right, we cant call anyone anything anymore.

Come on robert.

Answer this:

Skating on thin ice? Care to elaborate?

Apology accepted though I now know you have the mental capacity of a slow worm. I shall always keep it in mind and avoid overly complicated points.

As for your last sentence, <a class="postlink" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man</a> that is the sum total of your point.

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