Rags Debt - Daily Mail & Panorama [Merged]

bumbles said:
gregglake said:
Getting a bit embarrassing now lads.

I know what you mean ...god its like picking on the thick kid at school...but all you keep doing is keep demostrating typical bertie behaviuor,....telling fibs, bigging yourseves up and going round in circles with the same topics...

Its true, I do feel embarrassed for poking fun at you like this .

-- Fri Jun 11, 2010 3:04 pm --

bowdonblue said:

and with those concise words ..proof positive I WIN !!!

-- Fri Jun 11, 2010 3:06 pm --

samharris said:
mmm who to trust..an obssessed rag or a respected moderator..??

ur owned ..:)

to be honest I couldnt care less...I know and he knows the truth...but still its in your DNA to tell fibs...be a bertie and be proud

This is becoming cringeworthy now. I'm reading this through my fingers. I tell you what Bumbles, I'll do you a favour here, I'll make some kind of diversion and you just quietly sneak off while no-one is looking. You can thank me another time. Let me know when you have got your parker on and bag of shopping (Frey Bentos pie and Muller rice for pudding - happy days) ready and we'll get you out of here.
samharris said:
bumbles said:
try and keep up ... I mentioned it earlier, but the IT guys got in a lather ...

Alty..well i work here , I dont live here

-- Fri Jun 11, 2010 3:25 pm --

hurry up 30mins then Im off...the traffic on the M25 ...Oppps ...

ur not in alty ..ffs. we have proof you dont.

go on then demonstrate this proof
sir malcom said:
47 million where do you new bitters get this figure,im pretty sure the record signing in england is robinho 32.5,but if it makes you feel better over at debtville .Saying that youve the mehico wonder kid to watch this up and coming season,not forgeting ickle mickey ,ffs lmao.

and don't forget Vidic... oops.
Dukers said:
bumbles said:
I know what you mean ...god its like picking on the thick kid at school...but all you keep doing is keep demostrating typical bertie behaviuor,....telling fibs, bigging yourseves up and going round in circles with the same topics...

Its true, I do feel embarrassed for poking fun at you like this .

-- Fri Jun 11, 2010 3:04 pm --

and with those concise words ..proof positive I WIN !!!

-- Fri Jun 11, 2010 3:06 pm --

to be honest I couldnt care less...I know and he knows the truth...but still its in your DNA to tell fibs...be a bertie and be proud

This is becoming cringeworthy now. I'm reading this through my fingers. I tell you what Bumbles, I'll do you a favour here, I'll make some kind of diversion and you just quietly sneak off while no-one is looking. You can thank me another time. Let me know when you have got your parker on and bag of shopping (Frey Bentos pie and Muller rice for pudding - happy days) ready and we'll get you out of here.

i Hvae no need to sneak off...I told you 10mins ago..5pm then Im off...and I also predicted that you lot would be frothing into your diet cokes that you "owned me"...and still be on here at 11pm..even though its a lovely day outside, the pubs will be full and you'll still be bashing away ...on your keyboards I mean...although...well you get the picture

20mins ladies then Im off...tick tock
bumbles said:
samharris said:
ur not in alty ..ffs. we have proof you dont.

go on then demonstrate this proof

calling Damocles a liar are you ??

be very careful how you answer that cos it could be your last post... our Mod's have feelings. :)<br /><br />-- Fri Jun 11, 2010 4:45 pm --<br /><br />
bumbles said:
Dukers said:
This is becoming cringeworthy now. I'm reading this through my fingers. I tell you what Bumbles, I'll do you a favour here, I'll make some kind of diversion and you just quietly sneak off while no-one is looking. You can thank me another time. Let me know when you have got your parker on and bag of shopping (Frey Bentos pie and Muller rice for pudding - happy days) ready and we'll get you out of here.

i Hvae no need to sneak off...I told you 10mins ago..5pm then Im off...and I also predicted that you lot would be frothing into your diet cokes that you "owned me"...and still be on here at 11pm..even though its a lovely day outside, the pubs will be full and you'll still be bashing away ...on your keyboards I mean...although...well you get the picture

20mins ladies then Im off...tick tock

love the Glazers ./..tick tock
I amsaying you are mistaken ...both he and I know I iant in Maidstone...and I dont know if this IP address malarky is relevant..I am relaibly inofmraed that an IP address is a string of numbers starting with 192.00.08 something ...not a physical address...so

do you want to spend you last 10mins with me banging on about the same old cra+ again
bumbles said:
Dukers said:
This is becoming cringeworthy now. I'm reading this through my fingers. I tell you what Bumbles, I'll do you a favour here, I'll make some kind of diversion and you just quietly sneak off while no-one is looking. You can thank me another time. Let me know when you have got your parker on and bag of shopping (Frey Bentos pie and Muller rice for pudding - happy days) ready and we'll get you out of here.

i Hvae no need to sneak off...I told you 10mins ago..5pm then Im off...and I also predicted that you lot would be frothing into your diet cokes that you "owned me"...and still be on here at 11pm..even though its a lovely day outside, the pubs will be full and you'll still be bashing away ...on your keyboards I mean...although...well you get the picture

20mins ladies then Im off...tick tock

Not a question of "owning you". I just feel sorry for you. My friend used to have this hamster that had had a stroke. It only had movement down one side of it's body so it used to just drag itself round in circle. It had no fur on oneside of it's body. I felt sorry for it. I have that same feeling for you now. You are that hamster.
bumbles said:
I amsaying you are mistaken ...both he and I know I iant in Maidstone...and I dont know if this IP address malarky is relevant..I am relaibly inofmraed that an IP address is a string of numbers starting with 192.00.08 something ...not a physical address...so
Yes, the internet is magic. The data gets to you without knowing where to go...
Dukers said:
bumbles said:
i Hvae no need to sneak off...I told you 10mins ago..5pm then Im off...and I also predicted that you lot would be frothing into your diet cokes that you "owned me"...and still be on here at 11pm..even though its a lovely day outside, the pubs will be full and you'll still be bashing away ...on your keyboards I mean...although...well you get the picture

20mins ladies then Im off...tick tock

Not a question of "owning you". I just feel sorry for you. My friend used to have this hamster that had had a stroke. It only had movement down one side of it's body so it used to just drag itself round in circle. It had no fur on oneside of it's body. I felt sorry for it. I have that same feeling for you now. You are that hamster.

this has happeened to you hasnt it..I feel your saddness...I bet you loed that little rat thing didnt you...what was its name...It bet it was carlos...no no hold on ...bellars, thats it ...poor you hes up in gerbil heaven now
bumbles said:
I amsaying you are mistaken ...both he and I know I iant in Maidstone...and I dont know if this IP address malarky is relevant..I am relaibly inofmraed that an IP address is a string of numbers starting with 192.00.08 something ...not a physical address...so

do you want to spend you last 10mins with me banging on about the same old cra+ again

then how the fuck do the FBI and other organizations catch up with would be criminals terrorists hackers and paedo's.

you really are a lemon...honestly you are..

only hours ago u didnt know what an Ip address was ..now ur the worlds expert..


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