Rags Debt - Daily Mail & Panorama [Merged]

bumbles said:
oh we are back to that again are we...tell me what is the figure today ..
500m,700m, 1.1b, 1.5n ...

there isnt one united fan who would defend the glazers ( not glaziers) ...so your point is?
My point is that you never answer these questions and paint the non-renewal of season tickets as some sort of Blackadder-style cunning plan to bring the Glazers (with a capital G) down when in fact the majority of your glory hunting support (1 in 5 local) have decided that the game is up and they don't want to be associated with a team on the way down.

Everyone is laughing at your manager's "no value in the market" comments as he really means "We've no money". Where was the value when you paid huge or even record fees for Berbatov, Veron, Ferdinand & Rooney (among others)?

Despite what you say, in comparison to the last 20 years, winning only the Carling Cup is not classed as a good season and even though you only came second by one point, we gave you 4 points by switching off in the last few seconds of the derby games and took 6 points off Chelsea.
@ bumbles & whitworth...

We've obviously been indulging in a spot of schadenfraude (spelling!) here as it's normally the other way round. However, I've not read (sorry if you have posted it and I am genuinely interested in this) is what your views on the debt itself is.

We all know how it got there, but what do you foresee? Do you see big trouble? Do you honestly see someone investing upwards of £1 billion from another buyer? Do you still see a couple of big signings in the summer? Do you see fergie staying more than 'one more season'? Do you think your survival is genuinely at stake or do you think it's being talked up too much? Do you think the Glazers will go or do you think the protests are doomed to failure due to the amount od money the Glazers seem to be able to take out of the club?

Seriosuly chaps, what's your view - I'm over in N. Wales at the mo and am surrounded by scousers, so haven't been able to get a proper take on things from your side.
Prestwich_Blue said:
bumbles said:
oh we are back to that again are we...tell me what is the figure today ..
500m,700m, 1.1b, 1.5n ...

there isnt one united fan who would defend the glazers ( not glaziers) ...so your point is?
My point is that you never answer these questions and paint the non-renewal of season tickets as some sort of Blackadder-style cunning plan to bring the Glazers (with a capital G) when in fact the majority of your glory hunting support (1 in 5 local) have decided that the game is up and they don't want to be associated with a team on the way down.

Everyone is laughing at your manager's "no value in the market" comments as he really means "We've no money". Where was the value when you paid huge or even record fees for Berbatov, Veron, Ferdinand & Rooney (among others)?

Despite what you say, in comparison to the last 20 years, winning only the Carling Cup is not classed as a good season and even though you only came second by one point, we gave you 4 points by switching off in the last few seconds of the derby games and took 6 points off Chelsea.

Lets take your first point first eh?

non renewal ..well the facts re that in 2 years ST renewals have declined ...and the FACT that the wating list has disapppeared since 2005 illustrates perfectly the disdain in which MOST united fans view the owners...

now your second point glory hunters.. I woudl say that glory hunters would be those fans who showed up when success was occuring or imminent, or a team was playing a more succesful one in one off games...

well the season we went down , the attendances were still the highest of ANY division , the seasons when chelsea won the league and all looked bleak..attendances remained the highest...when Liverpool were winning everything and we had the occassional cup run...we still had the higehst attendaces....Its a common slur that other teams try and have a dig ..the fact is when united come to town ...its is invariably the highest attednace for the home team ..funny that .

third point..value in the market..well thats a fiar commnet...we have very limited funds...why pay 47M for Tevez , when you could pick up the next ronaldo for 12m , the new vidic for 7m , the new evra for 5m etc...

as for berbatov..agreed , over priced..veron , we made a net loss of 10m on him ..not bad for a player who helped us win 2 league titles..I am sure you would take that eh?....are you honeslty sayi ng Rio and Rooney arent worth the combined £58M

fourth point ...any season that ends in silverware is a success, surely you can grasp that ...and with a fair wind and less ref/lonesman mistake ( no excuses) we would have won the league.. as for your comments about the derby ..well I think a little retrospective glossing over form you I think..the fact is you had 33% of possesion in the last game and 2 shots oin target.
bumbles said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
My point is that you never answer these questions and paint the non-renewal of season tickets as some sort of Blackadder-style cunning plan to bring the Glazers (with a capital G) when in fact the majority of your glory hunting support (1 in 5 local) have decided that the game is up and they don't want to be associated with a team on the way down.

Everyone is laughing at your manager's "no value in the market" comments as he really means "We've no money". Where was the value when you paid huge or even record fees for Berbatov, Veron, Ferdinand & Rooney (among others)?

Despite what you say, in comparison to the last 20 years, winning only the Carling Cup is not classed as a good season and even though you only came second by one point, we gave you 4 points by switching off in the last few seconds of the derby games and took 6 points off Chelsea.

Lets take your first point first eh?

non renewal ..well the facts re that in 2 years ST renewals have declined ...and the FACT that the wating list has disapppeared since 2005 illustrates perfectly the disdain in which MOST united fans view the owners...

now your second point glory hunters.. I woudl say that glory hunters would be those fans who showed up when success was occuring or imminent, or a team was playing a more succesful one in one off games...

well the season we went down , the attendances were still the highest of ANY division , the seasons when chelsea won the league and all looked bleak..attendances remained the highest...when Liverpool were winning everything and we had the occassional cup run...we still had the higehst attendaces....Its a common slur that other teams try and have a dig ..the fact is when united come to town ...its is invariably the highest attednace for the home team ..funny that .

third point..value in the market..well thats a fiar commnet...we have very limited funds...why pay 47M for Tevez , when you could pick up the next ronaldo for 12m , the new vidic for 7m , the new evra for 5m etc...

as for berbatov..agreed , over priced..veron , we made a net loss of 10m on him ..not bad for a player who helped us win 2 league titles..I am sure you would take that eh?....are you honeslty sayi ng Rio and Rooney arent worth the combined £58M

fourth point ...any season that ends in silverware is a success, surely you can grasp that ...and with a fair wind and less ref/lonesman mistake ( no excuses) we would have won the league.. as for your comments about the derby ..well I think a little retrospective glossing over form you I think..the fact is you had 33% of possesion in the last game and 2 shots oin target.

Time will tell

spanishblue said:
bumbles said:
Lets take your first point first eh?

non renewal ..well the facts re that in 2 years ST renewals have declined ...and the FACT that the wating list has disapppeared since 2005 illustrates perfectly the disdain in which MOST united fans view the owners...

now your second point glory hunters.. I woudl say that glory hunters would be those fans who showed up when success was occuring or imminent, or a team was playing a more succesful one in one off games...

well the season we went down , the attendances were still the highest of ANY division , the seasons when chelsea won the league and all looked bleak..attendances remained the highest...when Liverpool were winning everything and we had the occassional cup run...we still had the higehst attendaces....Its a common slur that other teams try and have a dig ..the fact is when united come to town ...its is invariably the highest attednace for the home team ..funny that .

third point..value in the market..well thats a fiar commnet...we have very limited funds...why pay 47M for Tevez , when you could pick up the next ronaldo for 12m , the new vidic for 7m , the new evra for 5m etc...

as for berbatov..agreed , over priced..veron , we made a net loss of 10m on him ..not bad for a player who helped us win 2 league titles..I am sure you would take that eh?....are you honeslty sayi ng Rio and Rooney arent worth the combined £58M

fourth point ...any season that ends in silverware is a success, surely you can grasp that ...and with a fair wind and less ref/lonesman mistake ( no excuses) we would have won the league.. as for your comments about the derby ..well I think a little retrospective glossing over form you I think..the fact is you had 33% of possesion in the last game and 2 shots oin target.

Time will tell


I agree tick tock...I am counting the days until those vultures leave OT...:)
bumbles said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
My point is that you never answer these questions and paint the non-renewal of season tickets as some sort of Blackadder-style cunning plan to bring the Glazers (with a capital G) when in fact the majority of your glory hunting support (1 in 5 local) have decided that the game is up and they don't want to be associated with a team on the way down.

Everyone is laughing at your manager's "no value in the market" comments as he really means "We've no money". Where was the value when you paid huge or even record fees for Berbatov, Veron, Ferdinand & Rooney (among others)?

Despite what you say, in comparison to the last 20 years, winning only the Carling Cup is not classed as a good season and even though you only came second by one point, we gave you 4 points by switching off in the last few seconds of the derby games and took 6 points off Chelsea.

Lets take your first point first eh?

non renewal ..well the facts re that in 2 years ST renewals have declined ...and the FACT that the wating list has disapppeared since 2005 illustrates perfectly the disdain in which MOST united fans view the owners...

now your second point glory hunters.. I woudl say that glory hunters would be those fans who showed up when success was occuring or imminent, or a team was playing a more succesful one in one off games...

well the season we went down , the attendances were still the highest of ANY division , the seasons when chelsea won the league and all looked bleak..attendances remained the highest...when Liverpool were winning everything and we had the occassional cup run...we still had the higehst attendaces....Its a common slur that other teams try and have a dig ..the fact is when united come to town ...its is invariably the highest attednace for the home team ..funny that .

third point..value in the market..well thats a fiar commnet...we have very limited funds...why pay 47M for Tevez , when you could pick up the next ronaldo for 12m , the new vidic for 7m , the new evra for 5m etc...

as for berbatov..agreed , over priced..veron , we made a net loss of 10m on him ..not bad for a player who helped us win 2 league titles..I am sure you would take that eh?....are you honeslty sayi ng Rio and Rooney arent worth the combined £58M

fourth point ...any season that ends in silverware is a success, surely you can grasp that ...and with a fair wind and less ref/lonesman mistake ( no excuses) we would have won the league.. as for your comments about the derby ..well I think a little retrospective glossing over form you I think..the fact is you had 33% of possesion in the last game and 2 shots oin target.

I don't believe I actually read that snore-fest. Any one got any brain-tippex to erase the last two minutes? Didn't you accuse someone of being dull yesterday. Jeez, monkey see, monkey do, or what!

Oh, I'm now getting an official warning from my brain - any more reading of Bumbles pointless meanderings and rag gratification on a CITY website and it will be forced to make me swallow my own tongue. I don't like the sound of that. Damn trolling rags.
Dukers said:
bumbles said:
Lets take your first point first eh?

non renewal ..well the facts re that in 2 years ST renewals have declined ...and the FACT that the wating list has disapppeared since 2005 illustrates perfectly the disdain in which MOST united fans view the owners...

now your second point glory hunters.. I woudl say that glory hunters would be those fans who showed up when success was occuring or imminent, or a team was playing a more succesful one in one off games...

well the season we went down , the attendances were still the highest of ANY division , the seasons when chelsea won the league and all looked bleak..attendances remained the highest...when Liverpool were winning everything and we had the occassional cup run...we still had the higehst attendaces....Its a common slur that other teams try and have a dig ..the fact is when united come to town ...its is invariably the highest attednace for the home team ..funny that .

third point..value in the market..well thats a fiar commnet...we have very limited funds...why pay 47M for Tevez , when you could pick up the next ronaldo for 12m , the new vidic for 7m , the new evra for 5m etc...

as for berbatov..agreed , over priced..veron , we made a net loss of 10m on him ..not bad for a player who helped us win 2 league titles..I am sure you would take that eh?....are you honeslty sayi ng Rio and Rooney arent worth the combined £58M

fourth point ...any season that ends in silverware is a success, surely you can grasp that ...and with a fair wind and less ref/lonesman mistake ( no excuses) we would have won the league.. as for your comments about the derby ..well I think a little retrospective glossing over form you I think..the fact is you had 33% of possesion in the last game and 2 shots oin target.

I don't believe I actually read that snore-fest. Any one got any brain-tippex to erase the last two minutes? Didn't you accuse someone of being dull yesterday. Jeez, monkey see, monkey do, or what!

Oh, I'm now getting an official warning from my brain - any more reading of Bumbles pointless meanderings and rag gratification on a CITY website and it will be forced to make me swallow my own tongue. I don't like the sound of that. Damn trolling rags.
listen to your brain and do it
bumbles said:
I agree tick tock...I am counting the days until those vultures leave OT...:)
Thing is they paid £800 million what £500 million was the original debt meaning they paid £300 million of their "own" money I say "own" as Panorama did indicate they took out huge loans in the USA and only bought you that year. Looking at it to give them a small profit clear off the debt etc anyone is looking at £1.2-£1.3 Billion as a realistic offer. However with the fact they have increased some revenue streams they would want more. Issue is the Glazers have already raided the piggy bank at Old Trafford they had some of the new shirt sponsorship deal upfront. It's no wonder the Knights £1.1 billion offer was always doomed to fail it would take over the £1.5 billion they "turned down" from elsewhere before they are going to consider talking.

Question most Utd fans dodge though when asked whats your honest feelings about the whole Rock of Gibraltar incident Fergies spat there with John Magnier. They were red hot tip to buy you out till Fergie dug his feet in over his share of the stud rights.

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