Rags V Real...

Initially I was over the moon with the way they got dumped out, and the fact they felt so hard done by but now it's starting to really annoy me! Not so much Rag fans they think there's been an injustice and are therefore annoyed as fans we all tend to be like that but the media, good grief! Where was the coverage when Shelvey was sent off at Anfield incorrectly thus changing the game, or Torres @ SB for being fouled! Why when Vinny was sent off at Arsenal did they show thousands of replays to support the referees decision, yet now they are going gung ho to prove a wrong has been done, when it hasn't! Anyone else would've been told if you go into contact like that expect the worse especially in Europe!

It's like a Royal has died, Camel Gob's behaviour has escaped criticism & a ban, Madrids legit goal ruled offside gets no mention, Niall Quinn was full of praise for Rafaels hand ball shot stop and completely eluded to the fact it was a penalty and a red card. This week really has cemented why I hate them with a passion, they are different and are different because they have shit fans who follow success and the media panders to them. My respect for Roy keane has risen a bit because he said it how all of us not clouded by the media saw it and they turn on him! Paddy Crerand m9ocking him for not playing in a final when he did, well Paddy if it wasn't for Keanes monster performance knowing he wouldn't play in the final in Turin that night Manure wouldn't have made the 99 final! Fickle horrible bunch, I think I speak for everyone who despises them in saying it's not their success that makes me feel this way, it's their demeanour, class ( lack of ) and such outright hypocrisy! I hope to be around one day to see that club rot!
oman0115 said:
Initially I was over the moon with the way they got dumped out, and the fact they felt so hard done by but now it's starting to really annoy me! Not so much Rag fans they think there's been an injustice and are therefore annoyed as fans we all tend to be like that but the media, good grief! Where was the coverage when Shelvey was sent off at Anfield incorrectly thus changing the game, or Torres @ SB for being fouled! Why when Vinny was sent off at Arsenal did they show thousands of replays to support the referees decision, yet now they are going gung ho to prove a wrong has been done, when it hasn't! Anyone else would've been told if you go into contact like that expect the worse especially in Europe!

It's like a Royal has died, Camel Gob's behaviour has escaped criticism & a ban, Madrids legit goal ruled offside gets no mention, Niall Quinn was full of praise for Rafaels hand ball shot stop and completely eluded to the fact it was a penalty and a red card. This week really has cemented why I hate them with a passion, they are different and are different because they have shit fans who follow success and the media panders to them. My respect for Roy keane has risen a bit because he said it how all of us not clouded by the media saw it and they turn on him! Paddy Crerand m9ocking him for not playing in a final when he did, well Paddy if it wasn't for Keanes monster performance knowing he wouldn't play in the final in Turin that night Manure wouldn't have made the 99 final! Fickle horrible bunch, I think I speak for everyone who despises them in saying it's not their success that makes me feel this way, it's their demeanour, class ( lack of ) and such outright hypocrisy! I hope to be around one day to see that club rot!

Here here!! A perfect appraisal of how I feel about the *****
rickmcfc said:
What a Thundercunt.


I think they are all just great :-
Paddy`s ranting ?
The rag who phoned 999 ? [from Notts]
The scum delivering death threats to the ref ?
Wio losing the plot ?
Fergie`s arm waving rant ?[then doesent want to talk]
Leaving fatty on the bench ? [not even picking van purstrings]oh sorry!!

The [comedy] club who just keep on giving. Ha Ha
oman0115 said:
Initially I was over the moon with the way they got dumped out, and the fact they felt so hard done by but now it's starting to really annoy me! Not so much Rag fans they think there's been an injustice and are therefore annoyed as fans we all tend to be like that but the media, good grief! Where was the coverage when Shelvey was sent off at Anfield incorrectly thus changing the game, or Torres @ SB for being fouled! Why when Vinny was sent off at Arsenal did they show thousands of replays to support the referees decision, yet now they are going gung ho to prove a wrong has been done, when it hasn't! Anyone else would've been told if you go into contact like that expect the worse especially in Europe!

It's like a Royal has died, Camel Gob's behaviour has escaped criticism & a ban, Madrids legit goal ruled offside gets no mention, Niall Quinn was full of praise for Rafaels hand ball shot stop and completely eluded to the fact it was a penalty and a red card. This week really has cemented why I hate them with a passion, they are different and are different because they have shit fans who follow success and the media panders to them. My respect for Roy keane has risen a bit because he said it how all of us not clouded by the media saw it and they turn on him! Paddy Crerand m9ocking him for not playing in a final when he did, well Paddy if it wasn't for Keanes monster performance knowing he wouldn't play in the final in Turin that night Manure wouldn't have made the 99 final! Fickle horrible bunch, I think I speak for everyone who despises them in saying it's not their success that makes me feel this way, it's their demeanour, class ( lack of ) and such outright hypocrisy! I hope to be around one day to see that club rot!
perfect summary
MSP said:
Comrade Buka said:
Josh Blue said:
Balotelli "Man United fans saying it wasnt a red card should watch the replay & see the colour of the card, maybe they are colour blind"


Guess that's from one of fake Balotelli's Twitter accounts that people will quote as Balotelli's words till World ends.

No mate it was at Barolos in Milan last night. Top night with Mario and Enoch I might add.
i see the drug cheat rio has somehow escaped punishment for his ever so classy and sporting handclap of the referee , the cheque to eufa must have finally got there , fookin DHL eh !
Josh Blue said:
Balotelli "Man United fans saying it wasnt a red card should watch the replay & see the colour of the card, maybe they are colour blind"
Please dont post made up quotes from stupid twitter accounts on here. Its pointless

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