Raheem Sterling - 2017/18 performances

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The decision to sub Sterling off was a weird one, replacing Bernardo or Aguero would make more sense. Does anyone think that it was a knee jerk reaction from Pep? Strange, as he's usually ice cold with the logic of subs. Perhaps he wanted to give Brahim minutes without changing players' positions, as we were defending the winning score.
Over the last few weeks Pep’s been visibly getting fed up with Sterling’s finishing. He responded in the week with a hug and a kiss, he responded today by oiking him off. There’s only so many times you can playfully react to a shit shot.

He’s improved massively this season but he’s got a long way to go before he’s where Pep will want him to be (Sterling knows this as he said it himself in his interview with Neville this week) which is exactly why we’ve tried to sign Sanchez and Mahrez, not so much as his replacement because he’ll be here for a decade, but so we don’t have to rely on him every week.
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I am not a fan. His technique is poor, can' t shoot from distance and his passing abysmal at times. He does not possess a good football brain which for me is crucial for a great player e.g. Silva and De Bruyne, e.g. his decision making where he very often chooses the wrong option. He has done well at times this season and his strength is his pace and hard work. However for me He has had a long run over several weeks of poor and ineffective performances including at least a couple of really bad misses in most of these games, Cardiff and WBA for example, culminating in yesterday with possibly the worst miss I can ever remember, which cost us the game. If he does that in a final he will cost us the trophy. Like it or not games hinge on taking these chances. He' s already got form, thd shocking miss v Liverpool at Wembley when we were on top which we eventually won in pens. Decent player and we've got quotas of home grown players to fill so he will probably stay but not good enough long term for me if other English options were available.

Haha, I've been waiting for you to show up.

First post in the Sterling thread all season. It would be funny if it weren't so pathetically predictable. The same names who decided they didn't like him in 2015 will always look for reasons to convince themselves he's shit.
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I agree with criticising players when they fuck up, it's part and parcel of being a fan. I don't like the personal stuff. Some players get a free pass whatever happens, but some seem to get dog's abuse - Sterling is in the latter category.
It’s part and parcel of becoming a set of fans of a big successful club as well. Losing games, missing easy chances, fucking up easy passes to a player who’s wide open, making howling mistakes at the back etc. should be seen as unacceptable from top to bottom of this club including the fans.

But I too hate the personal stuff, there’s no need for it. And people should be open to criticising every player.

It’s like the performances of de Bruyne over Christmas, I said after Watford that de Bruyne hadn’t played well since Spurs and people either laughed or couldn’t accept it.
Over the last few weeks Pep’s been visibly getting fed up with Sterling’s finishing. He responded in the week with a hug and a kiss, he responded today by oiking him off. There’s only so many times you can playfully react to a shit shot.

He’s improved massively this season but he’s got a long way to go before he’s where Pep will want him to be (Sterling knows this as he said it himself in his interview with Neville this week) which is exactly why we’ve tried to sign Sanchez and Mahrez, not so much as his replacement because he’ll be here for a decade, but so we don’t have to rely on him every week.
Pretty much this.
I think Raheem has greatly improved this season and when 'on song' is a very exciting talent.
However, as you will no doubt all agree, there are so many instances when his feet just seem to get mixed up and he either loses possession or misses great goalscoring opportunities. I can only put this down to some kind of cross wiring in the brains electrical circuit whereby the thought process from head to feet doesn't quite work out. This applies to many people in the world where their speed of thinking does not coordinate with their physical reactions.
This is not a criticism but just an observation. Sort your feet out Raheem and you will be up there with the top goalscorers.
Haha, I've been waiting for you to show up.

First post in the Sterling thread all season. It would be funny if it weren't so pathetically predictable. The same names who decided they didn't like him in 2015 will always look for reasons to convince themselves he's shit.

Ha ha are you some sort of stalker or the president of the Sterling appreciation society ? Are we not allowed to give our opinions ? Also I didn't say he was shit !
Haha, I've been waiting for you to show up.

First post in the Sterling thread all season. It would be funny if it weren't so pathetically predictable. The same names who decided they didn't like him in 2015 will always look for reasons to convince themselves he's shit.

its the same on other threads. it doesnt matter what certain players do, people just dont like them. I've sat near someone who hates sterling, constantly criticizes him and moans even when he does score.

for some reason sterling seems to get more hatred from city fans then other players.. which i dont understand.
its the same on other threads. it doesnt matter what certain players do, people just dont like them. I've sat near someone who hates sterling, constantly criticizes him and moans even when he does score.

for some reason sterling seems to get more hatred from city fans then other players.. which i dont understand.
Yaya and Bravo not playing, Kolarov, Dzeko and Mangala left. Looks like Raheem is the new go to guy.
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