Raheem Sterling - Done - See main forum

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The stand off possibly suits Liverpool more than us in some ways. They clearly aren't arsed about any detrimental effect the situation is having on the player, they're resigned to losing him anyway. We on the otherhand have both a long term interest in his welfare and a short term interest in assuring him (publicly) that we won't stand by and let Liverpool treat him like a piece of shit.
Movement on Sterling deal, 3rd Bid has been placed, 40M plus addons going upto 45M, we expect this to be accepted. Liverpool however do have the hump with us as they believe we have effected the players behaviour. We have made this crystal clear it is not us but the agent effecting the player.
Movement on Sterling deal, 3rd Bid has been placed, 40M plus addons going upto 45M, we expect this to be accepted. Liverpool however do have the hump with us as they believe we have effected the players behaviour. We have made this crystal clear it is not us but the agent effecting the player.

Cheers @Pollerz appreciate the update pal
When you look at Anfield and surroundings it reminds me so much of Maine Road in many ways. Both fan bases should in theory share a fairly common grounding as working class, northern footballing supporters.
It's staggering how far apart fan bases become. I personally find myself with far more in common with a Bury fan, than I do most Liverpool fans (there are some decent ones about, but they tend not to pop up on the internet too often). The world of football that they live in is so far removed from normality, it's staggering.
I know recently we've become exceptional in our circumstances, but as a fanbase, on the whole, we know we're bloody lucky, and we know fortunes ebb and flow and nothing lasts forever, but so many Liverpool fans struggle with change.

Liverpool want a cash deal and it was your club who offered those players according to reports.

Jovetic is injury prone and would be another Sturridge,and Dzecko won't fit the system as journalists close to the club have said the team is going back to 443 high pressing game,and players brought in this summer are for that system.
On a side note correct Jovetic is a sick note yet he'd improve your team 10 fold going there...classy yet injury prone player
A big club doesn't promote playing a home game in yankee stadium and seeing the stadium 95% full of liverpool fans.

Liverpool are still a draw world wide even with a trophy drought.

Perhaps to your average Joe, yes. What you, and Liverpool fans, fail to understand is that proper football fans, well they know the score don't they? They are fully aware, that Liverpool is a falling empire. A selling club. A club having the blood sucked out of it by it's very owners.

I'm glad you can fill a stadium in America, the knowledge out there when it comes to football (or is it soccer?) is just immense, isn't it? Such fountains of knowledge.

I'm not saying that global branding is a bad thing, because it isn't. What I'm asking, is that you don't use that as a fundental to your argument, that it somehow proves your theory that Liverpool are still a standing empire. It's bollox.

The only world you need to concern yourself with is the football one. Now that knows the answer, and it will tell you the exact same thing that the good people of this board, are trying to tell you.
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Movement on Sterling deal, 3rd Bid has been placed, 40M plus addons going upto 45M, we expect this to be accepted. Liverpool however do have the hump with us as they believe we have effected the players behaviour. We have made this crystal clear it is not us but the agent effecting the player.

Cheeky fuckers!

Has it not crossed their minds that their twisted character assassination from all associated with them might just have upset him a bit?
Movement on Sterling deal, 3rd Bid has been placed, 40M plus addons going upto 45M, we expect this to be accepted. Liverpool however do have the hump with us as they believe we have effected the players behaviour. We have made this crystal clear it is not us but the agent effecting the player.
They will refuse it I can guarantee.
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