Raheem Sterling - Done - See main forum

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Well Id say this, the likes of Aguero, Yaya, Silva, came in as ready made players. Theyre no brainers, and dont need any analysis to say thats a good signing before theyve kicked a ball.

The other players you mentioned came in at the age of 23-24 which is a different kettle of fish. Thats the age we would have thought Sterling would have maybe moved on if he was going to, cause he isnt ready.

Were talking about still developing a youth player, only 20. And only 19 when he felt hes ready for the next step. Obviously wenger has that knack over the years, with the current crop being Ramsey, Wilshere, Oxlade Chamberlain, who have been groomed form a young age. Wenger built their games. Rodgers was building Sterlings game but hes been taken out of the incubator early. At least 2-3 years short.

The discussion about City, from the outside at least is that its more of a sink or swim environment. With big money like youve got, time is not on your side for youth development because your more inclined to splash the cash on the next big thing, who are ready out of the box.

Were not happy that he wanted to leave because he was our own development, but were certainly not unhappy for the fee paid, because we dont think he worth that much. If you bought him more at his market value say £25-30million for a 20 year old then that would be really painful. But £49million, is almost a no brainer for us in itself.

So will Benteke have been groomed from a young age by Dick Emery aswell? Did Clyne and Lallana come through the Liverpool youth system, or Torres when you were a buying club?

have you forgotten about your club hoovering up all of the best players in the 70's and 80's or have you forgotten about that aswell in a Heysel sort of way?

Move along mate and grab some candles on your way out.
So City are paying 44m + 5m add on,s and liverpool have to pay qpr about 9m so to me that's the scousers getting 35m which ain't 49m that all these media rags are going on about being great business for them.
One thing that really strikes me about Sky's coverage is that it's largely centred around the deal from Liverpool's perspective.

How Aldridge feels about it. How Carragher feels about it. How Thompson feels about it. How some Dippers outside the club shop feel about it.

How Brendan Rodgers feels about it.

How much money we paid. Is he value for money?

Very little on how we acquired one of the best young talents in Europe, and snatched away one of Liverpool's best players. That's not the prevailing angle, far from it in fact.

I mean they asked Claudio for a quick word on it while doing coverage of Lampard's debut yesterday, and got a few words from Dennis Tueart last night, but the wider narrative is one very much in tune with Liverpool's pr machine mouth pieces.
So City are paying 44m + 5m add on,s and liverpool have to pay qpr about 9m so to me that's the scousers getting 35m which ain't 49m that all these media rags are going on about being great business for them.
That's presuming they pass on QPR's share, perhaps they're hoping they'll go bust first and then they can keep it themselves.
Well Id say this, the likes of Aguero, Yaya, Silva, came in as ready made players. Theyre no brainers, and dont need any analysis to say thats a good signing before theyve kicked a ball.

The other players you mentioned came in at the age of 23-24 which is a different kettle of fish. Thats the age we would have thought Sterling would have maybe moved on if he was going to, cause he isnt ready.

Were talking about still developing a youth player, only 20. And only 19 when he felt hes ready for the next step. Obviously wenger has that knack over the years, with the current crop being Ramsey, Wilshere, Oxlade Chamberlain, who have been groomed form a young age. Wenger built their games. Rodgers was building Sterlings game but hes been taken out of the incubator early. At least 2-3 years short.

The discussion about City, from the outside at least is that its more of a sink or swim environment. With big money like youve got, time is not on your side for youth development because your more inclined to splash the cash on the next big thing, who are ready out of the box.

Were not happy that he wanted to leave because he was our own development, but were certainly not unhappy for the fee paid, because we dont think he worth that much. If you bought him more at his market value say £25-30million for a 20 year old then that would be really painful. But £49million, is almost a no brainer for us in itself.
On your point about yaya,Silva,and aguero.
Yaya was on the fringes at barca and was playing centre half,and Silva was considered to be maybe to lightweight for the prem at first ,think its fair to say they have all gone up several gears at city
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