Raheem Sterling - Done - See main forum

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The transfer fee inflation isn't as big a deal as the wages. At least with the transfer fees a large percentage stays within the game (less agent fees). But with wages, it goes right to players and the taxman, never to be seen again.
You guys are really defensive. It was a question about youth development at your club and Pellegrini, and some of you have reacted like its the most insane question youve ever heard.

If your saying City doesnt have that problem, at all, definitely not, then I think youre turning a blind eye to it.

Heres another way of looking at it. At ages 20-23 , still immature , he would probably be better off under Rodgers and Wenger. When hes developed as a player, thats the time to be playing at City.

David Silva aged 20 moving to City would not have been as right as Silva aged 24 moving City.
We have the best facilities in the world so be giving us that bullshit, and we know silva wouldn't be the same... HE WOULD BE EVEN BETTER. I love Milner right but how much are you paying him a week?
One thing that really strikes me about Sky's coverage is that it's largely centred around the deal from Liverpool's perspective.

How Aldridge feels about it. How Carragher feels about it. How Thompson feels about it. How some Dippers outside the club shop feel about it.

How Brendan Rodgers feels about it.

How much money we paid. Is he value for money?

Very little on how we acquired one of the best young talents in Europe, and snatched away one of Liverpool's best players. That's not the prevailing angle, far from it in fact.

I mean they asked Claudio for a quick word on it while doing coverage of Lampard's debut yesterday, and got a few words from Dennis Tueart last night, but the wider narrative is one very much in tune with Liverpool's pr machine mouth pieces.
I think the media bias (better name than agenda as ric pointed out) on skysports is the reason why I am strongly considering unsubscribing to them for next season.

They won't try ever gain opinions and responses from the 'city camp' as unfortunately, negative stories regarding anything city, gets more interest than anything remotely positive concerning us.

As someone said earlier, they wouldnt dare get an opinion of one of our club ambassadors like mike summerbee would they.
You guys are really defensive. It was a question about youth development at your club and Pellegrini, and some of you have reacted like its the most insane question youve ever heard.


You've spent far too long in the RAWK echo chamber, acting as if you're 1 of a select few who has a manager that actually thinks of coaching players to be better. Your lack of self awareness is embarrassing
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