Raheem Sterling - Done - See main forum

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I have to say this obsession with price drives me mad too.

I am a football fan, what matters is what happens on the pitch not how many beans are being counted.

I blame the sports media for driving the money angle constantly which causes us to lose sight of what's important when it comes to the game.

I think once the dust has settled and the football begins the fees involved will soon be forgotten. The thing with Sterling is that he's English and he's going to be central to the future of the England national team. Whatever negative press there currently is surrounding the deal, it'll take one stand out performance for the entire narrative to move on from the "he's so expensive" bandwagon to "he's the English Ronaldo we're gonna win the euros".
I think once the dust has settled and the football begins the fees involved will soon be forgotten. The thing with Sterling is that he's English and he's going to be central to the future of the England national team. Whatever negative press there currently is surrounding the deal, it'll take one stand out performance for the entire narrative to move on from the "he's so expensive" bandwagon to "he's the English Ronaldo we're gonna win the euros".

Id like to think you are right about the fees being forgotten but I'm not sure the liverpool biased media (Carragher et al.) will let it drop...everytime one of them is commentating or being a pundit on one of out matches you know it is going to get brought up...they will be waiting for the slightest mistake or under par performance from the lad (and it will happen because it happens to EVERY player regardless of how good they are).....they are unbelievably bitter
You guys are really defensive. It was a question about youth development at your club and Pellegrini, and some of you have reacted like its the most insane question youve ever heard.

If your saying City doesnt have that problem, at all, definitely not, then I think youre turning a blind eye to it.

Heres another way of looking at it. At ages 20-23 , still immature , he would probably be better off under Rodgers and Wenger. When hes developed as a player, thats the time to be playing at City.

David Silva aged 20 moving to City would not have been as right as Silva aged 24 moving City.
I don't think any player at any age would be better off under Rodgers. The guy is a complete and utter fraud.
Surprised with all the football knowledge you lot are supposed to have you haven't seen through his bullshit yet.
Any other club would have sacked him for blowing the league like he did,not praised him up just bizarre.
Exactly. Even the price for a bottle of milk has gone up since dipper overpaid mighty Carroll few years ago.
Sterling is twice the player and he is only 20 years old and worth every penny.
I was cocerned if the dippers were going to raise the price around 60-70 falling for bluff call from Chelsea .
No no no. You can't compare the fee to that of Andy Carroll, you have to compare it to Sergio's or some other fee from years ago that now looks like an incredible bargain. You should know the fucking rules by now.
If a player does well, the fees and wages are forgotten.
If a player doesn't do well, then the fees and wages will crop up even amongst us City fans. It's what fans do, and always have done.
One bad season and some 'sulky' performances are usually enough to lose most home crowds, any resurgence of it in a second season and the fans will want you out.
Are you guys worried about Sterlings wage at all? If the reported £200.000/week is correct, that would put him £15k ahead of Aguero and £55k ahead of Silva.

Is there a risk that this will trigger new wage demands among the current players?

The recent trend has been to negotiate the basic wages of our players down and increase the size of the bonuses - his basic will be well, well below this I'd imagine
Are you guys worried about Sterlings wage at all? If the reported £200.000/week is correct, that would put him £15k ahead of Aguero and £55k ahead of Silva.

Is there a risk that this will trigger new wage demands among the current players?

Not worried at all, the club spent a good deal of time recently reducing wages in favour of bonuses, Sterling will be no different

The numbers being banded about are pure speculation.............. i.e. Bullshit
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