Raheem Sterling - Done - See main forum

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The lack of erudition in your post, was, on this occasion, forgivable, Just. It's almost the end of the teaching term (year) and, as such, I'm drowning in government targets / diocesan directives, so any ambiguities in syntax, verb conjugation and all other linguistic BOLLOX are sure to cause a Pavlovian reaction, whereby my brain cannot cope, nor accept, anything other than perfection. Amen.
You should always try to rise above anything Pavlovian if your calling is to impart knowledge onto others.
Liverpool fans in the more..errr...rustic parts of Notts/Derbyshire never fail to amuse. They are a sub-species of a sub-species.

He's ok to be fair. I'm going to invite him round over the summer for a few football chats in the back garden, not that I'll understand a word h'es saying but it will save me watering the grass.
No. You think you're clever. ........
How will I ever recover from such a vituperative attack? I doth my cap at the Wildean vernacular you so accurately employ.

GDM - imparting knowledge is the easy part; imparting a questioning mind, not quite so easy - especially in an environment where recital of fact is currently seen as king/queen. Where a pupil makes a mistake, syntactical or otherwise, we, as teachers, are hard-wired to rectify the error. Given the place I teach (highest 1% of UK poverty index) , it's unlikely (but not impossible) anyone but the staff of the school will point out the "correct" version. Pedantic - yep. The alternative? We call each other "fucking knobs".
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OK, so I'm not the most sharpest tool in the box but I'm confused by this whole circus regarding the Sterling transfer.

On the positives, he's young, English, had 1 good season and show's alot of potential.

However. £50 million.

If the Candle dippers think he's worth £50m then surely they should give him a contract where his wages are reflected in that contract, say £200k per week. If however they are offering, say £100k per week then he must only be worth £25m at most.

Sorry if this sounds like a simplistic reasoning.
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