Re: txiki, soriano and mancini please take note.

Re: Will the powers that be

SuperYaya said:
GX Blue said:
What would excite you all now though??

Cavani is a great player but he wouldnt excite me. Id just be happy.

Dont think theres many players at the mo where i would be really excited.
Probably just
Falcao (but we have Kun and Carlos so wont go for him)

I think we'll get Cavani and the rest young up and comers like Adam Maher from AZ.

Really need pace so maybe Reus from Dortmund would be good.

Cavani really wouldn't excite you? He'd certainly excite me.

Player I want more than anyone. With his pace, power, technique and stamina he could absolutely dominate the league. Gives us a viable option for long shots, free kicks and heading in corners (all sources of goal we lack). It remains to be seen if we'd use it but he also offers a lethally direct counter attacking breakout option.

Him and Reus and we would destroy most opposition (a yaya partner wouldn't hurt too)

Out: Dzeko, Sinclair, Kolarov, Lescott, Tevez, Guidetti

In: Cavani, Reus, Remy (on the cheap), Shaw and a versatile defender. In dreamland - Xabi Alonso too (last year of contract)
Danielmanc said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Danielmanc said:
Just responding to your BS feel the need to post bland vids on multiple threads...I feel the need to comment

and another one....

Keep going...there's sure to be plenty who beleive in your importance.

But if you want to discuss it...tell us all what posting that vid on more than one thread tells the reader or contributes in any way. You posting the vid is just you saying "Look at me" in my opinion

and another one...

Your opinion is that I crave importance.

My opinion is you really need to leave your hang-ups at the door and let people have and form their own opinions.

As the saying goes, opinions are like arseholes, everyone has got one.

It's just that some are bigger arseholes than others.
Danielmanc said:
Keep going...there's sure to be plenty who beleive in your importance.

But if you want to discuss it...tell us all what posting that vid on more than one thread tells the reader or contributes in any way. You posting the vid is just you saying "Look at me" in my opinion
Bloody hell mate. It's only April and you've already worked yourself up into a right state on the Transfer Forum. What you going to be like in July?
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Danielmanc said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
and another one....

Keep going...there's sure to be plenty who beleive in your importance.

But if you want to discuss it...tell us all what posting that vid on more than one thread tells the reader or contributes in any way. You posting the vid is just you saying "Look at me" in my opinion

and another one...

Your opinion is that I crave importance.

My opinion is you really need to leave your hang-ups at the door and let people have and form their own opinions.

As the saying goes, opinions are like arseholes, everyone has got one.

It's just that some are bigger arseholes than others.

This is why i tend to private message. I am put off posting stuff on here because it gets taken out of context or some jumped up person decides to have a go. I see some absolute garbage comments on here yet i dont have the time or inclination to put their noses out of joint.

TH has never asked for anyone to kiss his arse. He has as much right as anyone to post in good faith.

Anyway back onto matters blues. This season we were the team to be shot at, and the whole world has been watching us play in Europe and in some big league games. We havent exactly covered ourselves in glory.

Will players be put off, or will Txiki sell the dream? I would be intrigued to know when vying to sign such quality players this summer what our USP will be to any top player??? (except the money)
NQCitizen said:
SuperYaya said:
GX Blue said:
What would excite you all now though??

Cavani is a great player but he wouldnt excite me. Id just be happy.

Dont think theres many players at the mo where i would be really excited.
Probably just
Falcao (but we have Kun and Carlos so wont go for him)

I think we'll get Cavani and the rest young up and comers like Adam Maher from AZ.

Really need pace so maybe Reus from Dortmund would be good.

Cavani really wouldn't excite you? He'd certainly excite me.

Player I want more than anyone. With his pace, power, technique and stamina he could absolutely dominate the league. Gives us a viable option for long shots, free kicks and heading in corners (all sources of goal we lack). It remains to be seen if we'd use it but he also offers a lethally direct counter attacking breakout option.

Him and Reus and we would destroy most opposition (a yaya partner wouldn't hurt too)

Out: Dzeko, Sinclair, Kolarov, Lescott, Tevez,Guidetti

In: Cavani, Reus, Remy (on the cheap), Shaw and a versatile defender. In dreamland - Xabi Alonso too (last year of contract)

Prestwich_Blue said:
I find it difficult to imagine that we would complete a deal on RVP before we had completed one on an outgoing player. Surely that's basic stuff as if you sign the new player first then the club(s) looking to buy the outgoing player have a crucial negotiating advantage if they know you're selling the player because you have to.

That's presumably why Liverpool are talking up Suarez at the moment by saying they're not selling and why QPR were also adamant that Barton was staying with them. And of course we weren't selling Mario, despite the training ground bust up and everything else.

It all depends on whether you actually believe the player coming in WILL actually come in. Baring in mind that ALL of the major transfer targets did not happen. I think Roberto was right to take that attitude he did.
I'm pretty sure that the only Balotelli deal that City were happy with was with PSG but Balotelli himself DIDN'T want to go to PSG and AC Millan were always going to hold out till the very last second to try and get a better deal (as they did in the January window too).
Imagine what would have happened if Dzeko had gone and RVP had still gone to the rags - we would have really struggled to even be in the top 4!
Prestwich_Blue said:
Khaldoon tells you what the targets are plus the financial limits and you stick to them. Hazard's agent(s) piss you about and make all sorts of demands you feel are unreasonable but you go back to Khaldoon, who says you did right - we're not paying. Is that your fault?
Yes. It's his job to convince the player and agent to come in. Other clubs manage it somehow and they don't always have to pay through the nose.

Prestwich_Blue said:
Or you approach De Rossi's agent and he says "No thanks I'm staying put." Is that your fault?
No, it is not his fault.

Prestwich_Blue said:
Or you do all the spade work to get RVP on board and arrange a deal for Balotelli to balance the books. Then Mancini says "Over my dead body" and RVP's people get fed up and sign with the rags. Is that your fault?
Yes, it is his fault because he overvalued that lump of shit Dzeko in the market.

Prestwich_Blue said:
That's what happened with all three transfers.

So you go to the Plan B targets and get a very promising young centre-back, an excellent young box-to-box midfielder, an experienced wing-back at minimal cost and an experienced defensive midfielder who can also cover at centre-back. You also gamble on a young wide player who'd had a good season in the PL for his club but for whatever reason hasn't really made the step up. Regardless, the owners consider you've done a good job.
The issue is how long it dragged on, and that has to come down to the negotiator. If he's not capable of seeing that the deal is coming to a dead end and either moving it back to a profitable situation for the club or walking away, then he isn't doing his job well just as Mancini didn't do his job well this past weekend.

Mr. Marwood seems to spend a lot of time setting up his excuses in case things don't go the way he wants and then making sure enough of it gets leaked so that a manager he doesn't like takes the lion's share of the blame. That seems rather weaselish to me.

Prestwich_Blue said:
I find it difficult to imagine that we would complete a deal on RVP before we had completed one on an outgoing player. Surely that's basic stuff as if you sign the new player first then the club(s) looking to buy the outgoing player have a crucial negotiating advantage if they know you're selling the player because you have to.

That's presumably why Liverpool are talking up Suarez at the moment by saying they're not selling and why QPR were also adamant that Barton was staying with them. And of course we weren't selling Mario, despite the training ground bust up and everything else.
This is a Catch-22.

A. We bring a player in before selling. Leverage now exists with the club wishing to buy as we have too many forwards.

B. We sell a player before bringing a player in. Leverage now exists with the club wishing to sell as we have too few forwards.

That's the point of the guy in charge of transfers. He's supposed to take situations where the opposition have leverage (Hint: That's all situations) and neutralize that leverage.
Lakeysbadknee said:
This all day,all night & until the end of August.
Alot of Blues say we lost the title at Southampton away or Everton away,I am of the belief we lost it in last summers transfer window.Bobby said he wanted his targets signing early,Marwood fannied about,de Rossi & van Pussy(should've gone all out to sign vP even just to keep him out of their hands IMO) ended up being Sinclair & Rodwell,poor business when we were in the best position to strengthen our squad for decades. Now with Gotze off to Bayern already(allegedly one of our potential summer targets),we need to do our business swiftly,effectively & with the minimum of fuss.

your bobby wanted van persie, martinez , hazard de rossi ! is he for real !!! and what if this players didn't want to come from the first place ? if it was like that even me i could become a manager add to that the fact that City had nealy 200m deficit
the only mistake is why paying 20 m for Garcia, why buy Maicon and at some level Sinclair !!!!!
S04 said:
It´s rather ugly when City-fans on here have this idea that Sheikh Mansour is their personal Santa Claus..That winning is all about here and now.

its nothing to do with santa claus.

let me tell you how its works.

you invest, you win the title, the brand gets bigger.

you don't invest, you finish way off the pace, profile dips further behind the rag machine.
in the case of ffp disastrous.

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