Realistic outcome now for rest of season

PL - We can still win the title if we beat Liverpool away and then go on a run. We'll probably finish 3rd tho which would be an utter failure!

CC - Should expect to win it but with LFC getting Coutinho (and maybe Sturridge), who always has one of his 3 good games per season vs us, back and the fact that Pellegrini is Klopp's woman I think the r

FA - We're out next round.

CL - Probably our best bet of winning something (lol) if we get a kind draw. Think QF is probably as far as we'll go tho.
Fuck me do you want an umbrella for your raincloud?
I feel like bursting into tears after reading this post.
2 defeats on the trot will become 3 nx sunday and I can see that growing to 6 after trpis to kiev and Wembley and dipper land! That should be enough the get pellers the sack!

With who to take over? The sack should have come after Burnley away last season. It didn't and here we are.
I can't see us losing 6 games on the run he says in hope rather than expectation!
He should be sacked. He's incompetent. But it wont happen
I think the pep thing has ballsed an already iffy season up. You see it all the time when managers say they're off, you lose that intensity and it's showing with us. We're stuck with him til the end I'm afraid, say we get rid of him and whoever we bring in turns everything around and wins a couple of cups? We're in a right pickle we really are, but to be honest I've missed these shite times, it feels like the old days of things going tits up. We have to ride the season out simple as that, start with a clean slate next year with pep.
One has to question the club allowing Manuel to announce he is leaving at such a critical stage of the season. At the time I thought fair do he deserves the respect of being able to announce it on his terms - But, and this is a big but, it is now painfully clear to anyone who knows our team that the players have lost an edge. Perhaps some know the writing is on the wall. I was hoping that those same players would be busting a gut to at least be in demand for potential next moves or ensure that they still have a big future under Pep. It seems modern players hold all the cards in this respect and some are quite clearly playing not to get injured. I lost count in the last four games how many 50/50 tackles we lose. It's all very depressing for such a well run club to allow this season to potentially fall apart. Hopefully we can flick a switch and magically return to form. Given the last few games that maybe tough. What's really annoying for me is that we have lost games cheaply - by that I mean it's not as if we have been torn apart. Spurs had a plan, rarely troubled Joe, and still came away thinking they are suddenly going to be champions. I would seriously question the manager yesterday in particular taking off a player who had created a fabulous goal and during the first hour had not let Spurs threaten his side. It was bonkers and we all knew as soon as Kolarov had to be disciplined enough to track his runner, the end result would be a simple one on one. I hope today someone has made Manuel accountable for that - sometimes the distance between winning and losing is so narrow - much like a player at this level playing at 90% rather than flat out, which seems to be the case with Silva, Yaya, and others. On a positive note I thought the defence looked great for the first time in a while that is until the wrong change was made.
I would take league cup, 4th and CL quarters if offered it right now....

Why bother? Might as well go out now. For a long time I have believed despite all the happy clapping going on about still being in 4 trophies we have a serious chance in only one competition and I'd take the League cup now. It's silverware. Despite yesterday's win Liverpool are not the side of two years ago , although neother are we, but at Wembley we have the class to do it.

If we don't make the CL then Pep will just have to cut his teeth with us by winning the Europa League!
Why bother? Might as well go out now. For a long time I have believed despite all the happy clapping going on about still being in 4 trophies we have a serious chance in only one competition and I'd take the League cup now. It's silverware. Despite yesterday's win Liverpool are not the side of two years ago , although neother are we, but at Wembley we have the class to do it.

If we don't make the CL then Pep will just have to cut his teeth with us by winning the Europa League!
I think it matters from a psychological point to progress further than last time in the CL. Will give them confidence going forwards.
Now VK back I feel more confident of top 4.
Think we will do dippers at Wembley.
One has to question the club allowing Manuel to announce he is leaving at such a critical stage of the season. At the time I thought fair do he deserves the respect of being able to announce it on his terms - But, and this is a big but, it is now painfully clear to anyone who knows our team that the players have lost an edge. Perhaps some know the writing is on the wall. I was hoping that those same players would be busting a gut to at least be in demand for potential next moves or ensure that they still have a big future under Pep. It seems modern players hold all the cards in this respect and some are quite clearly playing not to get injured. I lost count in the last four games how many 50/50 tackles we lose. It's all very depressing for such a well run club to allow this season to potentially fall apart. Hopefully we can flick a switch and magically return to form. Given the last few games that maybe tough. What's really annoying for me is that we have lost games cheaply - by that I mean it's not as if we have been torn apart. Spurs had a plan, rarely troubled Joe, and still came away thinking they are suddenly going to be champions. I would seriously question the manager yesterday in particular taking off a player who had created a fabulous goal and during the first hour had not let Spurs threaten his side. It was bonkers and we all knew as soon as Kolarov had to be disciplined enough to track his runner, the end result would be a simple one on one. I hope today someone has made Manuel accountable for that - sometimes the distance between winning and losing is so narrow - much like a player at this level playing at 90% rather than flat out, which seems to be the case with Silva, Yaya, and others. On a positive note I thought the defence looked great for the first time in a while that is until the wrong change was made.

Whilst I don't disagree with much of what you say, I do think you're giving the announcement too much credence in terms of its impact on the team. All the things I've highlighted have been going on all season, not just since Pellers said he was leaving come June.

I'd also argue the toss over the Kolarov substitution, albeit that I too think it was an unnecessary move. The person to blame for Spurs' winning goal was Clattenburg. Without that appalling penalty decision, we wouldn't have had to chase the game, we wouldn't have had to take off Fernando, and there wouldn't have been a whacking great gap in front of our centre halves for Lamela to drive into as a consequence. The wigged one effectively ended our title challenge yesterday. Whilst we might have been capable of overhauling a 6 point gap on one team, there's no way we'll manage it on 3.

Like one or two other posters, I can easily see us losing 6 on the spin and my sole concern now would be holding United at bay to cement 4th place. It is to be hoped that Captain Kompers can galvanise the troops sufficiently to do just that

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